Part 19

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"The humans were tracking us but we lead them south, you should be safe," Victoria said

"Excellent," Carlisle said smiling

"So.. could you use three more players," Laurent said smiling "Oh come on, just one game."

"Sure, a few of us were leaving, you can take their places." Carlisle said Smiling throwing the ball to Laurent but Victoria caught it.

"I'm the one with a wicked curveball," Victoria said

James kept staring at me and Bella.

"Oh, I think we can handle that," Jasper said smirking.

"They turned around to get ready for the game. Then the wind just blows this way. The wind blew Bella hair that made her scent went flying because Im close to her it blew my smell too.

"You brought a snack, and a dog," James said. Soon Jasper and Edward were in front of me and Bella. I was confused about why he said dog. As the others hissed.

"The girls are with us," Carlisle said

"But its a dog and a human," Laurent said. Why do they keep saying dog I don't see a dog anywhere what are they talking about.

"Like I said they are with us," Carlisle said

"I can see that the game is over we'll go now," Laurent said getting up and looks at James.

"James," Laurent said

They all three left.

"Get Bella and Sky out of here, go," Carlisle said.

Soon me, Jasper, Edward and Bella was in the car.

"So what?" Now they're coming after us," Bella asked

"Listen to me. James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession. I read his mind, mine and Jasper reaction on the field set him off. We just made this his most exciting game ever. He's never gonna stop," Edward said as I look to Jasper and squeezed his hand.

"What do we do?" Bella asked

"We'll have to kill him," Jasper stated "Rip him and burn the pieces,"

"Where are we going," Bella asked

"Out of Forks, we'll get a ferry to Vancouver," Edward said

"What?!" I yelled

"No way, you take us home, right now," Bella said

"You can't go home, Bella. He'll trace your scent there. It will be the first place he's gonna look."

"Our Dad is there," Bella said

"It doesn't matter," Edward snapped. I was about to punch Edward but Jasper was holding me back as I started to shake.

"Yes it does, he could get killed because of us," Bella said.

"Edward," Jasper said. As Edward looked in the mirror and see me shaking.


"We'll figure something out but you're taking us home," Bella said. I was still shaking until Jasper was saying calming things in my ear that what calmed me down. Soon we came up with a plan which I didn't like at all.

Bella opened the door dragging me inside.

"What part of it's over don't you get? Leave me Alone and you don't go near my sister," Bella said

"Please don't do this," Edward said as Jasper try to reach out for me. I know this was fake but it still hurt as Jasper gave me a sad look.

"Get lost," Bella slammed the door as she dragged me up the stairs.

"Girls what's going on?" Dad said

"We have to leave, We can't stay anymore," Bella said as we went to are rooms as Edward and Jasper was already packing my bag.

"I can't do this," I said while crying. Jasper held my face wiping my tears.

"You got to darling," Jasper said as he kissed my forehead jumping to the truck.

Soon I grabbed everything I need it and put it in the bag.

"Did he hurt you," Dad said to Bella

"No," Bella said

"Did he break up with you?" Dad said

"No," Bella said as she grabbed my hand dragging me out.

"We don't want this, we have to go home," Bella said.

"Home? Your Mom's not even in Phoenix," Dad said

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