Part 40

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"I already consider you apart of the family, Yes," Esme said

"Carlisle," Bella muttered

"Why are you doing this to me. You know what it means," Edward said

"You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice I'm not going to loose my sons. So Yes," Carlisle said

"It will be great not to kill you," Luke and Jasper said at the same time. As I chuckle. Then everyone looked at me.

"Im not answering it," I said

"Why not," Bella said

"Because I don't want to," I said

"You are so selfish you have everyone that loves you, Jacob, Jasper. You are half vampire and werewolf you have a family," Bella said

"How am I selfish, I didn't take Jacob away hes my brother and you keep playing with his feelings. Jasper is my mate and imprint. I treat everyone here the same because I love them all, online reason Im a Vampire because I was saving your ass," I said gritting my teeth as I started to shake.

"Nobody ask you to save me, I wish Billy would have never given you away," Bella said

"Bella," Everyone yelled at her. I started to shake really badly now as I stepped outside and shifted in my wolf. Growling as I paced back and forth so I don't end up killing Bella. Soon Esme came outside.

"Sky sweety," Esme said as I turned my head to her as I lower down as she put her hands on my head.

"Edward took Bella home, she had no right to say that to you," Esme said as she pats my head I poked her with my nose.

"What is it," Esme said

"She needs clothes," Edward said as he came back from dropping Bella off.

"Oh," Esme said as she ran in the house. As Edward came by me sitting in front of me.

"Sorry about Bella," Edward said as I gave him a look. What you saying sorry for its Bella.

"Well you guys been close but when I came in the picture you guys are separating," Edward said. Not you're fault ever since I found out who my real family is I have to live with them now. She just wants me and you to herself. Edward chuckled

"Yeah," Edward said as Esme came with clothes as I went behind the tree changing clothes.

"Well Im going to go home Im finally able to go back to school," I said. I said bye to everyone as I ran home. When I was running I heard something behind soon I got tackled. I looked up and see Jacob in his wolf from.

"Really Jake," I said.

"I was trying to scare you," Jacob said in his thoughts

"Well you didn't, now move dog breath," I said laughing pushing Jacob off. As Jacob rolled his eyes he bends down as I jumped on his back as he ran home. Well because I already went to sleep for the mouth. I was reading a book while Jacob was sleeping on my lap. Ever since Jacob found out about us being brother and sister he been very clingy. Next morning Jacob said he was coming to the school with me but I don't really care. As we get to the school I can see Bella and Edward together and Jasper close to them as they turned and looked at me. I walked up and gave Edward a hug and Jasper a kiss as I ignored Bella. Jake told the boys he wanted to talk to them as we followed them to the woods.

"So your still alive for now," Jake said

"He thinks' it's us keeping you away," Edward told Bella.

"You stay the hell out of my head," Jacob said

"Jacob," I said giving him a look. Then Jasper stepped forward.

"I know that you have something to say to me. But I wish to say something to you first if thats alright," He paused

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