Part 38

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"I know he's going to wait until noon when the sun at his highest," Alice said. I saw when they killed him in the vision as I shook my head scared. Alice started driving through people that are wearing red.

"Why are they wearing red," Bella asked

"Its St. Marcus ridding the city of vampires, its the perfect setting, Volturi not going let it go when he show himself," Alice said. Bella starts to panic.

"Breath Bella, Breathe," Alice said Soon the car was stopped.

"Bella go I can't go any closer he will read my thoughts and go faster," Alice said

"Where is he," Bella said

"In the watchtower, Sky go with her," Alice said

"Me and Bella started to run through everybody pushing them out the way. Edward started to come out taking his shirt of as we ran through the water. Bella tackled him before he got in the light and pushed him back inside.

"Bella your alive," Edward said as he touches her face.

"You really think I let Bella kill herself," I said, Edward looked at me

"Thank you Sky," Edward said

"I had to make sure you see me once so you know that Im alive, I didn't want you to feel guilty," Bella said soon they were having they moment so I blocked them out as I sat on the floor. I looked up to see if they done but of course, they started to kiss. Great, I groaned.

"Aro would like to meet you," a woman with bloodshot eyes, blonde hair, walks over to us with two men behind her. Soon I was getting shocking feelings all over my body I guess I just copied more powers.

Door was open and slam shut, Alice walkthrough, removing her scarf and glasses.

"Follow me," the woman speaks up and we follow her. I rolled my eyes. None of us spoke as we walk through large hallway and entire through a gigantic gate to a huge room.

There are three vampires standing, one is standing with a book in his hand and other two are talking. Im just glad Im half wolf and half vampire because they would have smelled my wolf side walking in.

"They are here," the blonde girl announces

"Thank you Jane," the one with the book in his hand says.

"Ahh! Young Bella, we have heard so much about you," He smirks looking at Edward. I can see Edward tenses. Then the guy looked at me.

"You must be Sky I heard a lot about you to," the guy said as I crossed my arms.

"Come over here," he sickly says looking at me and then at Bella. I started walking in front of Bella because I dont trust them.

"I am Aro," He introduces himself, I give him a little glare. He walks towards me and hold my skin, as he touched me his eyes went wide.

"Your skin is like fire," I had a small smile on my face.

"Magnifico," He licks his lips.

"Jane," He looks back at the blonde woman.

"I'll try not to hurt you," She looked at me as I stood in front of Bella glaring at her.

"Pain," she mumbles under her breather but nothing happened. Aro starts to laugh loudly breaking her concentration.

"Try again," He encourages her she looks over to Bella "pain," she mumbled again but nothing happen to Bella. Aro starts to laugh loudly.

Jane looks over to Edward and again she mumbles the same word. Edward starts to scream and collapse on the ground on his knees

"Please stop it, stop it," Bella screams but Jane wasn't listening. I looked at her.

"Pain," I said as Jane went on the floor as she starts to scream and collapse on the ground as everyone looked at me shocked.

"When she says stop you stop anyone else want to try me," I said while growling but Edward was telling me in his mind to calm down before I become a wolf.

Aro walks over to Bella but I stood in front of her as Edward screams, "No,"

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