Crushing on a Youtuber.

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~Ciel's POV~





" you like iced-coffee huh?" he chuckled licking his fingers, as his icy-blue eyes looked at my dark blue ones. I gulped, still looking at him, i think my face is as red as a tomato, and even more if it's possible! He leaned down, and gave me his hand. I was still in shock but still took it, and stood up. He smiled down at me.

"Are you ok?" He asked, and i nodded slowly, still shocked. My favorite youtuber is right in front of me. Oh God, and i think i just made myself look stupid...AND spilled iced coffee on him.

"Y-yeah..." i mumbled, and my eyes widened at his shirt, which was the one he was wearing on the last video he uploaded. "Oh My God, your shirt!!" now instead of being white the shirt is beige-brown, from the coffee.

"'s ok!" he grinned. "I don't have a problem!" he continued as i dusted myself off.

"But, it was the shirt you were wearing on your last video!!" i said, and blushed at my words.

"So, you watch my videos?!" he grinned, and i nodded and mumbled. "what was that?" he asked softly.

"You are my favorite youtuber." i said, a bit louder than expected and everyone was now looking at me. My eyes widened and Alois just laughed...

"Well, i'm happy that one of my friends spilled coffee on me, and i mean it. That's okay, it's my favorite coffee!" he said, and we went towards a table were it had some napkins. We started cleaning ourselves and he smiled at me.

"Anyway, what's your name?" he asked, and i looked up at him wide eyed. Ciel, don't freak out!! He's just a human being, ok maybe for me he's a God, but he's still a human being. "Huh?" he asked again tlting his head to the side, with puppy dog eyes, and i just died. OH GOD. STOP IT.

"C-Ciel." i mumbled and he smiled extending his hand towards me.

"Nice to meet you Ciel, I'm Alois! But i guess you already knew that because we are friends haha!" he said and we shook hands while both blushing. He's so cute!!

"Haha yeah!" i said awkwardly. "but wait. What do you mean by ''friends''?" i asked curiously. He nodded towards the table, and we both sat down.

"Here's your coffees!Enjoy!" a perky voice said from behind me and a girl with a trail, and two cups came into view. She set them down and i looked at her weirdly.

"But i already had my coffee..." i trailed off, and Alois just placed 4 dollars in the girls hand.

"Thank you!" he said happily, and took a sip from his coffee.

"Iced-Coffee.." i said quietly as i stared at the cup in front of me.

"Yeap!" he said and he winked. I blushed, and took a sip from my coffee. I closed my eyes, enjoying the liqiud running down my spine and making it cold. It's summer so, it's better to drink Iced-Coffee.

" you like my videos?Oh, and wait, before you answer, i'll explain the 'friends' thing, because you asked before!" he said grinning. He looked like a hyper puppy, so cute!! Wait, what was he saying again?! Oh yeah, the 'friends' thing. Huh..Ciel, calm down!!! "I call you my friends, because i don't like calling people 'fans'. I mean, if i call you 'fans' i feel like i'm better than you." he said, his hands hugging the cold cup. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

"Oh.." i said, impressed. He's so outgoing, and not as awkward as he seems to be in front of the camera. He's really cute, and he's my crush, two years now. He started making videos when he was my age-13 years old-, and i accidentally watched a video of his, and became obssesed. I even have t-shirts, and posters of him. He's like, my role-model.

"Anyway, i'll ask again. Do you like my videos?" he smiled. Oh that smile...this smile right here, is going to be the death of me!!

I know i sound like a fangirl, but let's be honest. You'd do the same if you were in my position! Who am i talking to anyway?! Myself?! Wow ok Ciel. Smooth.

"You're my favorite youtuber, it's only natural to adore and love all your videos!" i blurted out. My eyes widened at my outburst and slapped my hand over my mouth. He smiled and then laughed.

"Well then, i'm happy to know that cuties like you love my videos!" he winked and i smiled at him blushing like a mad-man. Forgot to mention that this sex God is gay! YEAH BITCHES!!

'Well, then...i have to finish editing a video, so yeah. Haha, Here's my number" he wrote his number on a piece of paper and gave it to me. He took his iced-coffee with him and winked before saying "Text me!!" and left me alone. Wow. That was the best thing that ever happened to me!! I mean, Oh God, i met my crush, he knows i exist!! Best.Day.Ever!


I quickly opened my laptop, to see that he uploaded a video! I opened quickly the new tab, and opened the video on full screen.

His cute face appeared on the screen.

"Heyy guys!! So today was amazing! I was going to upload a stupid video about something i found on the internet called 'fanfics' but, i changed my mind! Today, when i went to my fav cafe' to buy my coffee, this cutie-pie crashed on me, and spilled coffee on both of us. And his name is Ciel! Haha, he has a really cute name, it suits his cute face!!! I hope i meet you again soon, ciel! Anyway, GTG because i'll try to search him on facebook or something!! Hahaha, bye!!" the video ended and i was stunned.

What just happened??


Hey guys, i hope you like it!!! Fan, Vote, Comment or whatever, just read it if you like it^^ Gtg to bc school.T_T I want your thoughts on this one shot, and if you want me i'll put on some more CielxAlois one-shots here!!

Ria, xx

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