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Time was flying by and I seen my back then on videos and I was kinda impressed with myself now that I am standing up for myself more and that's what I need to do, I'm slowly improving everyday being General Manager of ECW.
During that time myself and Christian were officially a couple, it got to the point where we were sleeping together at least twice a day and now 2010 crept in now and it was almost ECW's ending days but no body knew this at the time except for myself and Taryn when Taryn got the news.
Taryn: "Tina, I have news"
Me: "What is it?"
Taryn: "Mr.McMahon he announced that ECW will be going off the air"
Me: "Why?"
Taryn: "Because he is gonna replace it with NXT where 6 Pros manage 6 Rookies"
Me: "Oh I see"
Myself and my sister have to break the news Taryn also explained that us on ECW will be free agents that means we can choose weather we want to go to RAW or go to Smackdown it is entirely up to the people who are currently on ECW where they go.
I'm glad that I enjoyed being in charge while I still could and being on ECW has helped me gain more control, it gave me more confidence in my character and I have met so many different personalities now I know what people can be like if I compete in the ring.
I do have in ring experience I'm finishing off my last few Developmental days until I get wrestling on the main roster. 
I still can't believe 2009 is over and 2010 is the end of ECW, I thought we would've been in charge a little bit longer.
However I'm glad that our days of being in charge are nearly over because I was in a state where I just didn't know what to do but since working on ECW.
I have met such good friends along the way and I even gained a relationship so I can guess that without ECW I would still be in limbo when it comes to my career, I hope this goes well anyway.

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