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I was back in great shape again and considering I don't have much I decided to return to the WWE in 2014 but at that point it was getting towards the end of 2013.
The WWE are allowing this which is great for me and Taryn is only at TNA a couple of days a week but not too much and she stays in the normal arena and I am thinking about taking Brittany on the first day so I might have to get care for her later but now is to get to the gym with Taryn and get ready.
Taryn: "Are you sure that this is what you want to do?"
Me: "Yes I have to do this"
Taryn: "Ok"
It is my only option to look after Brittany and I discovered that I can't look after her with no money coming in so it is my last hope really and to tell Christian what I should've told him along time ago.
I hope he's not mad at me or anything because I never meant for this to happen, weather he is my friend or not that doesn't matter but he had the right to know the truth as much as I do and I kept that from him, what I did didn't make it right and I want to make things right.
Brittany is nearly 3 years old, the truth needs to come out now or else more bad things will happen.
I know it is hard for me right now but it has to go, the negative energy has to go and telling him is probably gonna be the only way to get rid of it, It makes me look worse than him.
I'm wishing I'd of done what Edge told me to do in the first place, leaving it til that point is just not good enough to anyone.
I'm just too scared of what he might think, do or even say, he's gonna be so angry I wish I'd of told him about this, this is all my fault, hurt or not I should've told him but I see my point, I didn't want to ruin his marriage which is understandable but I can't keep secrets like that anymore I kept it to myself for way too long.

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