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It's been a couple of months now and I still see he's down in the dumps, I have to talk to him I can't leave the situation like this, I have always been there and I can't give up on him now.
Me: "I feel bad about everything that's happened to you"
Christian: "This isn't your fault, I should've never of cut you off out of my life like the way I did"
Me: "Listen to me, you made a mistake, everyone does, I have in the past, the biggest mistake I made was not telling you about Brittany since day one, I really regret that now"
Christian: "I know"
Me: "The past is the past and there's nothing you can do about it, but you can move on from it and change your future"
Christian: "Yeah, I get it"
Me: "I have something to admit to and you might find this crazy"
Christian: "Is it another surprise like Brittany?"
Me: "No not as major I guess, I can and will admit that I still love you"
Christian: "You still do after all that time?"
Me: "Yes, I always have and I always will and if I could take our time back in our relationship in the past I would do things a lot better and different too"
Christian: "I love you too"
I was kinda shocked to hear that but I just smiled and I was about to walk away because I thought that there would be nothing else to talk about but he stops me from walking out of the room.
Me: "I thought we were finished talking?"
Christian: "Not yet"
Me: "How come? Is there anything else you need to tell me?"
There wasn't really anything else for him to tell me, he just kisses me and I kiss him back and I knew that this love would come back again like I knew it would, I was surprised but not surprised at the same time.
I'm glad that I opened up to him and just told him how I felt because if I didn't say anything the situation would've remained the same and I just want to move from the path I'm on to the path were I want to be and I want to be with him again and later that month I got what I wanted, we mended our relationship again.

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