5. Former Lover

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Clary P.O.V

I stood outside of the Institute for the first time in two years. I couldn't believe I was here, but it was time to face my fears. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Clary?" Isabelle gasped. "By the angel!" She ran to me and hugged me.

"Hey, Iz." I said quietly.

"I thought you left because of..." She trailed off. Alec appeared behind her.

"Take your foot out of your mouth, Isabelle. Its nice to see you again, Clary." I nodded in reply. I looked around for a second and my eyes fixed back on Isabelle.

"He's upstairs in the guest room." She said. I smiled and headed upstairs. Since I had left the Institute, I couldnt stop thinking about how I left things with Jace. I hurt him, and I could never forgive myself. I hoped that there was a way to fix things and pick up where we left off.

"Shes great." I heard a beautiful voice say. My heart sank. I stood in the door way and the first thing I saw was a blonde girl in black gear. My heart hit my feet. She met my eyes.

"Jace?" I said. He turned around almost instantly.

"Clary?" He said. I stared at him. The silence and tension grew. After a minute, the blonde girl cleared her throat.

"I should uh..take Eve back home. You seem to need a moment." She bent down and picked up a small girl. I moved aside and let her pass. My eyes met Jace's again.

"Jace I-"

"I thought you werent coming back." He said quietly. His eyes were filled with hurt.

"I know...But I couldnt stay away. Im a shadowhunter. I have it in my blood. I cant deny it. But you..Im so sorry for how I left. It shouldnt have been that way.." I trailed off. He sighed. He walked towards the door and shut it behind him.

"I know." He said. I reached for his hand but he pulled it away. He shook his head.

"Jace I love you." He bit his lip.

"I know. I feel the same."

"Then lets pick up where we left off, Jace. Please. Ive missed you and you-"

"Clary it doesnt work like that. You ripped my heart out." He looked at the ground. I paused.

"Its her." I said quietly. He looked up in bewidlerment.

"Shes a new member of the institute, just today. I barely know her. This isnt about anyone else but me and you. I love you Clary, but maybe we shouldnt be together. Im sorry." He said. He turned his back to me and walked down the corridor. I stood looking after him, as tears flowed from my eyes.

"I love you." I whispered.


Lillian P.O.V.

I returned to the institute pretty late at night. After I had dropped Eve off, My mother and I had had another falling out. It ended with her disowning me, telling me to never come back home. I shook my head to get rid of the searing headache I had. Most of the institute was asleep, so I decided to take the time to explore. Almost right away I found the training room.

"Wow." I said under my breath. It was enormous. I walked inside, my eyes fixated on a practice dummy next to the wall. My fists balled up, and I let all my anger out on the innocent dummy. I punched and kicked my aggression into the dummy, not minding the tears falling down my face.

"Lillian?" Someone said in the doorway. I didnt give them any attention, I sank to my knees and started to sob. Whoever was at the door way was by my side in an instant, a comforting and motherly arm around my body.

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