Chapter 11

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Seth's POV

I anxiously paced around the bedroom waiting for Jaxon. We needed to go down to the jail cells to release my mother... I figured that Jules was going to hang my mother sooner than we thought. I don't know when he's going to do it... but I don't want to take any chances. I can't let my mother die because of me... I just can't. I don't care what she did to me as a child... she's my mother. I know that's stupid to say and it might sound weak... but I will not let Jules murder her. She was an amazing Queen to our people, and everyone knows that. Everyone still wants us to rule, I've heard it myself when we arrived.

''Seth here is your water,'' Jaxon said, entering the room. I stopped pacing around, running up to him.

''We need to go release my mother. Jules just came in here with my friend Estelle, they had a fight. It's too long to explain, but he saw that my crown was missing from my nightstand and he knows that I'm here. He's going to speed up the hanging process, and I have a feeling he's going to do it sooner than I thought...'' I said in a hurry. I watched as he slowly placed the glass of water in my hands, running his tongue over his bottom lip before he spoke.

''I want you to take a drink first, and think about releasing your mother. Are you sure that's what you want?'' He said. I brought the cup to my lips, taking a drink before I spoke.

''It's not her time to die, and there's no way in hell Jules is going to be the one who causes it,'' I replied.

''Okay. Guide me down to the jail cells, I have no idea how to get there.''

I guided him out of the bedroom, and over to the stairwell. I haven't been down these stairs in years. The way my castle is set up is all the bedrooms, ballrooms, and kitchens are on one floor. The stairwell had about four flights of stairs, the jail was deep in the ground where nobody could hear them. We were walking down the third flight of stairs until he stopped me.


I looked over to him, his hazel eyes furrowed.

''What if this is a trap?'' He asked me. ''What if he absolutely knew you were in the room and said those things to lure you down there?'' He asked me.

''He doesn't know that I'm immortal. He doesn't know anything about me, he thinks he could kill me... remember?'' I replied. He shook his head, gazing down at the fourth flight of stairs.

''What I'm saying is... what if he's dragging your mother to the hanging area as we speak?''

We walked faster down the flight of stairs, my heart pounding a mile a minute. I can't let her die this way... I just can't.

''Take the spell off of us...'' I said to him once we made it down the stairs. I watched as he snapped his fingers together, running over to the jail cells. My mother wasn't in any of them... Oh god, was Jaxon right?

''She isn't here...'' He said, his voice cracking.

''I guess the Prince isn't as smart as he portrayed himself to be.''

Jaxon and I turned around, and there was an army of men standing there. About twenty of them with armor on and swords clenched in their hands. The one who spoke was standing in the front, a smirk on his pale lips. He slowly approached us, dragging his sword against the ground. I recognized this man. He was one of the men I combated with, he taught me some of the things I use today.

''Really? You're siding with Jules?'' I asked him. I felt Jaxon slowly walk in front of me, putting his arm protectively in front of me.

''I refuse to have my king as a demon, or whatever the hell you are... warlock, vampire...'' He mumbled. He glanced in Jaxon's direction, making a disgusted sound.

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