Chapter 28

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Seth's POV

''Just follow behind me... I know the way.'' Jaxon muttered to all of us as we made our way through the castle. He had a serious expression twisted on his face... he told us on the way that he grew up in this castle starting at 7. When his mother committed suicide... he was homeless. He would have to steal food from bakeries.. he would always worry where he would sleep the following night. Leviathan heard the news of how he was barely surviving... so he took Jaxon down to hell with him.

''Lucifer usually spends time in the main room. We will ask him if he's seen Jin around... he could usually sense if the demons have brought something... heavier than they are.'' He explained.

''You grew up around my father?'' I asked, walking up beside him. He flashed me a soft smile, nodding his head.

''Yeah... I'd call him Lucy. He'd help Leviathan raise me... along with Jayce's father.'' He said to me. He had a soft smile lingering on his lips... but I knew he was still nervous.

''Hey... you'll be okay. You're not alone this time... you have us.'' I reassured him. He nodded his head slowly as we stopped in front of a large set of doors. I couldn't help but notice how dark the whole castle was... but it was magnificently elegant.

I suddenly heard laughter from the other side of the door... I was pretty sure Jin's laughter was mixed in with the rest. I slowly looked back towards the rest of my friends... they heard it too. Jayce suddenly pushed past Jaxon and I, his hand still grasped tightly around Magdalene's hand protectively.

He forcefully pushed open the door, their laughter ceasing. He pointed his free hand forward, his eyebrows furrowed.


They were sitting together on the couches... having tea. My father was sitting next to Jin, alongside Jin must have been Jayce's father... making him his grandfather. On the loveseat next to them sat a man I didn't quite know... but he looked awfully a lot like Jaxon. His eyes were bright yellow, dark brown wavy hair to his shoulders. He had a mischievous grin on his lips as he turned towards Jayce, holding his teacup firmly in his hands.

There was another boy who I didn't quite recognize... he was definitely not one of our parents. He had a golden skin color, his eyes were a soft violet. He wore the finest silk... he dressed like a magician almost. He had a choker around his neck, his white hair laid messily on his head.

''It's about time you joined us... right in time for tea.'' My father exclaimed. I felt the tension leave my body once Jin began waving rapidly at us, a huge smile on his lips.

We slowly piled into the room... Jaxon's eyes not leaving his father's. I felt like I could cut the tension with a knife.

''Oh... Jin! I thought something awful happened to you!'' He exclaimed, walking over to Jin and his father, his hand still wrapped tightly around Magdalene's hand. He really acted like a father to Magdalene and Jin... I thought it was sweet.

''No... I'm okay! I mean... those demons were kind of stupid... but as soon as I got here, grandpa came and saved me!'' He said, demonstrating how Jayce's father came to save him with his hands. Jayce looked down at his father with a sheepish smile, letting go of Magdalene's hand and opening his arms to his father for a hug.

''Grandpa, huh?'' Jayce asked him. His father rolled his eyes as he pulled him in for a hug.

''Those demons... such a nuisance. I had to get the broom you know... to usher them off of my grandson!'' He said.

''Don't hurt yourself, Grandpa... you might break a hip.''

''Shut it, Levi.''

Jaxon's father and Jayce's father broke into laughter... Lucifer let out a deep sigh as he looked over to me. He stood up from the couch, walking over to me with the biggest smile on his lips.

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