Chapter 24

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The next day

Seth's POV

We all sat in the living room in silence, watching as Jayce poured us all cups of tea. He had a smile lingering on his lips... we all did. We finally have some peace... for now most likely. It's rare to get a break.

''Now... since we have gotten Seth back and attended Avel's execution...'' He started, flicking his fingers. Our tea immediately flew into our hands.

''And fought a war...'' Jaxon mumbled.

''And got your son...'' Elena chimed in.

''And me!'' Magdalene exclaimed. Everyone broke into laughter, a deep blush spreading across her face.

''Yes... and you darling.'' Jayce flashed her a soft smile. The laughter died down, a serious face rested on Jayce's face.

''We could begin more... important matters without any interruptions... starting with Magdalene and Jin.'' He began, bringing his teacup to his lips. Jin and Magdalene furrowed their eyebrows, gazing at Jayce in confusion.

''Jin, we need to begin training your abilities. You haven't suppressed them at one point I'm sure... but you don't know how to wield them. I could definitely help you with that... along with Jaxon.'' He said. Jin nodded his head, an excited expression on his face.

''As for you, Magdalene... I am not trained in vampire matters. You may have to join Elena's father's clan-''

''Your father is the clan leader of France?'' I asked Elena. Her face flushed bright red, avoiding everyone's gaze. Jaxon had a soft smirk on his lips, leaning back deeper into the couch.

''He's something else. I remember when we were younger I brought you flowers one day... Your father answered the door. He flashed me his cheeky little smirk and said, 'Why, thank you!' and took them!'' Jaxon exclaimed. Everyone broke out into laughter, Elena's blush growing deeper as she laughed.

''I remember when my mother was alive... We would wait for him every night at the castle. He'd bring us gifts from France! Oh, how I loved the sweets he'd bring.'' Elena told us. I furrowed my eyebrows... is she royalty too?

''Elena... did you say castle?'' I asked her. She flashed me a playful smile, nodding her head.

''Long ago my mother was the Queen of Rome. Of course, when I was born she was only the princess... but as I grew older she obviously took the throne. As I grew older I was going to be Queen, but...'' She stopped. She motioned towards herself. I knew what she meant... she's a vampire.

''I'm sorry to break the storytelling... but I have to leave?'' Magdalene asked Jayce. His lips turned into a frown as he glanced between Jin and Magdalene... they didn't want to be separated.

''I'm sorry, darling... I wish I could keep you here. You need to learn how to be a vampire... Elena's father is wonderful at that.'' He said to her. Her lips turned into a frown, breaking her gaze from Jayce.

''Hey... why don't I train her?'' Elena suddenly said. Magdalene's head instantly popped back up, gazing at Elena with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

''Oh! That's a wonderful idea! I'll be able to stay here with Jin and-'' She started. Magdalene's face along with Jin's turned a bright red... I couldn't help but flash a smirk at Jin.

''Ah... so you're into vampires Jin?'' I teased. His eyes widened, the blush grew deeper on his face.

Jaxon started making whistle noises and suggestive motions with his hands... laughter breaking into the room again. I couldn't help but laugh myself... we are laughing a lot this morning. I'm glad that we are laughing. After yesterday... we do deserve to laugh.

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