Chapter 14

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Seth's POV

''So... she asked why we are hanging out with her?'' Jaxon asked me. We were on our way to the gym, we surprisingly had gym class together. We didn't have one single class together... I kind of missed him. Jaxon had to explain to me what gym class is... I guess it's just physical activity, which would DEFINITELY be appreciated. I hate how in this dimension teenagers are forced to sit in one spot for hours and are forced to learn things they most likely don't care about... If I'm being honest, I like my dimension better. I know this one is more technologically advanced and has less war... but this place stresses me out.

''Yeah. The people here are so rude...'' I muttered.

''So stereotypical... there are these things called 'movies' in this dimension, and that's how the girls act in it sometimes. I watched this one with Jayce one day... It was called 'Mean Girls'-''

''Are they like plays? The people of my kingdom used to entertain us with plays... they aren't amazing actors but I appreciated the thought...'' I muttered. I watched as a smile lingered on his lips, nodding his head.

We walked into the gym, and my eyes instantly were fixed on the large basketball hoops on each of the walls. That was something that was also in my dimension... when I was younger, Jules and I would play it together. I wonder how Jules is doing... God, I wonder how my kingdom is doing. Jayce told me that they are safe. There are various vampires and warlocks watching over the kingdom. Jayce also said that Jules is too scared to do anything. He's scared of me, what I could do.

I need to get my kingdom back.

We walked into the gym, the sound of teenagers filling my ears. Most of them weren't doing anything... they were sitting on the floor doing nothing... on those bombs. Phones... whatever the hell they were. I'm so used to doing so much physical activity... we need to do something.

''I feel like I'm going to explode. My bones are aching.'' I mumbled to Jaxon. He couldn't help but laugh, looking in my direction.

''We could do something, come on.'' He replied. Before I could reply, I heard a loud holler from the teacher.

''ALL OF YOU GET OFF YOUR ASSES! GET IN LINE! TIME FOR SOME WORK!'' He yelled to all of us, causing all of the other kids to groan. I heard a few curses here and there... but they obeyed.

We walked up to the teacher, his gaze was staring down at his clipboard. He was an older man, maybe about forty years old. He had lighter skin and his hair was a dark brown color. He had a ton of wrinkles... Another thing I could thank my dad for. Immortality.

''Excuse me, sir?'' Jaxon said, breaking his daze from his clipboard. His eyes widened in surprise, looking over to Jaxon.

''Darn, none of these fucks have ever addressed me like that. Usually, It's Mr. D, Davis... some of them even fucking my first name!'' He yelled. ''What can I do for you, son?''

''My friend and I are new students here.'' He said, motioning to me. The teacher looked in my direction, his eyes widening. I figured he was surprised by my appearance...

He glanced back down at his clipboard, taking a pen out of his pocket. He asked for Jaxon's name, writing it down on the clipboard. He didn't have our names on the paper yet obviously.

''And you?'' He asked me.

''Seth Lenior,'' I replied.


''...Seth Lenior, sir.''

He wrote down my name, his body shaking with laughter. He went on about how he couldn't understand me through my accent... My accent wasn't even that bad. Jaxon has an Italian accent but he could understand him? Americans are obsessed with accents...

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