Chapter 5, She's a Witch

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~Lumine's Pov. ~
I woke up in bed, How did I get he- oh wait that's right the potion... I wonder if he made (Y/N) drink one too... *I climb out of bed and walk to the living room* Hey (Y/N), I say happily
Hey Lumine, How are u feeling? *She walks up to my and put her hands on my shoulders and looks straight at me.

I look over to see Kody Glaring at me... Does he like (Y/N)?, I questioned my thoughts. Come on Kody, We need to work on ur Potion making, She laughed and Grabbed his hand and walked away with him.

~Kody's Pov. ~
Once we were outside, walking to the basement. (Y/N) turned around. Kody... Why are u so hard on Lumine? She asked.
I looked at her, Bc I don't care about him... I said rudely. Why didn't u make me drink a potion too?
Do u want to drink one, I snapped back. No... She said calmly. Hey (Y/N) I have a question for u... I say out of the blue.
What is it, she asked.
Are u a witch?

~(Y/N) Pov. ~
Are u a witch? Kody asked.
Well Yes, How else would I see that cat, I point to his shoulders.
(Y/N) Do u-

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