Chapter 6, Kody Accepts Lumine as his bodyguard

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(Y/N) Do u....ummm...n-nevermind...,

Um... alright Kody...

~Time Skip, brought to u by Lumine's cuteness~

~Kody's Pov.~

Why are u so difficult? Dad asks. Why are u so Persistent, I snapped back.Can't u just, I cut my dad off, NO! I snapped, He's going to be sad, u made him drink poison, and u STILL don't trust him? My dad asks calmly. POTION I corrected, and I STILL don't trust him, I say. What about (Y/N)?, My dad asks, I don't mind her, she isn't annoying, I said not looking up from the book I was reading.

Alright, guess we have to do this the hard way... * I turn to my dad very annoyed* U either let Lumine be your bodyguard, or we get rid of that spirit, *I growled and threw my book at his face making him fall down the ladder* HOW BOUT NEITHER!? *I yelled*

~(Y/N)'s Pov.~

me and Lumine knock on the door we heard Aiden in. We hear a faint come in, -HELLO- from the other side, of the door, We walk in. We're looking for Kody, Lumine says, I just nod in agreement, Kody's in the attic again, Aiden answers. *I grab the book from Aiden, and I look at the ladder to see that Lumine was hit in the face with a wolf plush, I giggled* Once Lumine moved out of the way, I climbed up the ladder* I listen to Lumine's and Kody's conversation , but decided to stay out of it.

Lumine was upset so I decided to hug him, as he continued to talk to Kody. eventually, Kody let Lumine be his bodyguard. *I tawsed Kody's book back to him, he caught it and looked at me dumbfounded, I did a closed eye smile and giggled.

~That's the end of this chapter!!!~

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