Chapter 8, School!

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(Y/N)'s POV.
I was sitting next to Kody, When I realized Lumine Staring at Kody's Spirit cat. It goes over to Lumine and spooks him. Kody's turned to Lumine I just make a lil giggle, Which makes the attention go to me.
It wasn't funny, Lumine Whined.
I giggled, Okay whatever u say Lumine.
Sherry walks into the room and says, "Lumine, (Y/N)! Aiden needs you both! "
I nod and follow Sherry as Lumine follows me.
Once we get to the office, Aiden told us we could go to school with Kody... Just not the classes, I didn't really care to much about it, bc I never liked school (Sorry People who like school XD) Lumine was really excited tho, But he never went to school, so it is understandable.
(Time skip to The morning in Kody's room)
Lumine was trying to pull the blanket off Lumine when I walked into the room with Kody's clothes for the day. Kody let's go of the blanket and Lumine falls on his butt, I laughed, But not in the mean way, I handed Kody his clothes, Helped Lumine up, then we walked out.
(Sorry it's short, I need to stop writing this at night 😂😂😂)

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