7: the wake up

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Isabella walked up the stairs and into the clubhouse, where it was a lot quieter

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Isabella walked up the stairs and into the clubhouse, where it was a lot quieter. Everyone was outside, drinking and partying, now that all the food had gone. She took a seat and lounged backwards, staring up at the ceiling. The door opened and she jumped, sitting up slightly. Coco walked in, with a beer in his hand, and came and stood next to her.

"What you doin' in here?" He asked her and she looked back up at the ceiling.

"Just thinking." Isabella replied.

"Yeah? What about?" He had sat down across from her now, but didn't seem as relaxed as she was at least trying to make herself look.

"Not you." She still didn't look at him. He scoffed.

"Whatever, Bella."

She looked at him now as she heard him use the familiar nickname.

"So you're deciding to speak to me again, then? You really need to make your mind up." Isabella raised her eyebrows at him.

"I'm a dick, I know." Coco spoke, but Isabella rolled her eyes again.

"That's not an excuse, Coco."

"I'm not tryna' make excuses. There's just somethin' about you." He was staring at her now.

"I'm not that bad-"

"No, Bella. Something good. And that's what throws me off." He'd lit up another cigarette, and the smoke was surrounding his face in the darkness. Isabella stood up and walked over to him, putting her hands on the arms of the chair and leaning in front of him. She knew now, what she wanted. She wanted him. She was feeling the effects of the alcohol now, but she wasn't drunk - she was sober enough to know that Coco was what she wanted, no matter how hard they both tried to deny it before.

"Maybe, Johnny Coco Cruz, you shouldn't treat the people you think are good, like shit."
Coco was looking up at Isabella, a slight smirk on his face. Isabella leant down further and then they were kissing again, slower this time. After a few seconds, Coco pulled away.

"Come on." He smiled, and took her hand.
Isabella woke up and looked around - she had no idea where she was as she took in the small room with pale walls around her. Turning over in the bed, she saw a shirtless Coco laying asleep next to her. Isabella sat up and ran her fingers through her hair.

"You gonna run away again, like last time?"
She looked to her right to see that Coco had woken up as she'd moved. Thinking about what he'd just said, she remembered how she'd freaked out last time that they had kissed.

"I knew you were still mad about that." Isabella smiled slightly and laid back down on his chest.

"But no, I'm not."
She felt him chuckle. She didn't really know exactly what this was with Coco, but right now, she liked it.
The sound of Coco's phone ringing interrupted her happy half-asleep-half-awake mood, and Isabella was left lying alone in the bed as Coco sat on the side of it to answer the phone.

"Alright, alright yeah." Isabella heard him saying as she watched his back. "Shit." He breathed as he hung up the phone and stood up.

"What is it?" Isabella sat up, feeling kind of worried. She knew the club were involved in a lot of bad shit, so when she heard one of the boys talk like that, she knew it wasn't good.

"It's club shit, they need me." He started pulling his jeans on and threw a shirt on, before grabbing his cut. "I gotta go."
Isabella sighed before nodding. She understood that club business was important to him.
"Okay." Isabella said simply as he walked out of the room.
"Shit!" She yelled suddenly, remembering her car was still sat in the spot she'd parked it in last night. Coco came rushing back into the room.

"What?" He said quickly.

"Um, my car." Isabella bit her lip as she looked at him with guilty eyes. His shoulder's dropped and he let out a breath.

"Don't do shit like that. You'll get me all freaked out, like something's going on."

"Sorry," Isabella giggled. "I forgot you're always so protective."
Coco rolled his eyes. "Anyway, what's up with your car?"

"It's kind of at your clubhouse..." Isabella said, remembering how they'd gone for a ride on Coco's bike before ending up back at his place.

"Shit, well this is gonna look good." Coco said as he leaned on the door frame and Isabella knew exactly what he meant. If the guys were waiting for him, they were about to see him ride back in, with her on the back of his bike.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think this through." Isabella got up and began to put her clothes back on. "I'll think of something, don't worry."

While Isabella played up to Coco's worries, she couldn't help but wonder if he almost seemed embarrassed to let the guys know what had happened between the two of them. She followed him outside and put the spare helmet on as Coco put his black sunglasses on.
"Wait." Isabella said, touching his arm before he went to climb onto his bike. "Are you embarrassed of me?"

"What? Course I'm not." He took the sunglasses back off and looked at the nervous looking girl in front of him. "Things are just complicated, okay?." He shot her a small smile and kissed her quickly.

"Okay. Sorry." Isabella climbed on the bike and held onto him as it began to roar.

"Well, um, good morning?" Bishop looked at Isabella and Coco as they climbed off of Coco's bike. Coco looked uncomfortable and Isabella spoke before he could.

"It's not what it looks like." Isabella smiled confidently, trying to not give anything away.

"Oh yeah?" Angel raised his eyebrows and smirked at Coco.

"Yeah, Angel." Isabella shot him a look. "I stayed in the trailer last night - Coco was here early and I needed to grab some things from the shop." Isabella held up her handbag to make it look like she had her purchases in the bag. "I was feeling too hungover to drive, so Coco offered to take me."

"Oh, what a gentleman." Gilly mocked Coco as he walked towards the group and hit him on the arm.

"I just need to grab some things from the clubhouse, and then I'll be out of your way." Isabella smiled innocently as she walked past the guys and into the clubhouse.

"That was quite a story." EZ said to Isabella as he followed her into the clubhouse.

"Sorry?" Isabella questioned as she picked up her things.

"The whole thing about you staying in the trailer last night?" EZ was watching her with a slight smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I did." Isabella didn't look at him now. She knew she'd probably been caught out, but she wasn't going back on her story just yet.

"That's funny. Considering I stayed in the trailer last night."
Isabella looked up at EZ and sighed. "Shit."
EZ began to laugh and walked towards her.

"Don't worry, I'll keep your secret."

"Thank you, EZ." Isabella sighed again and began to explain herself. "I just think tha-"

"Hey, don't worry." EZ interrupted her. "I get why you two don't want the rest of the guys knowing."

"You do?"

"Yeah, Isabella. The whole Angel thing? He'd probably go mad."
Isabella had no idea what EZ meant, but she didn't press him.

"And obviously the rest of the club's worries." EZ kept talking but Isabella didn't understand what he was talking about. EZ hadn't realised that he'd said just a little too much. Isabella was about to ask him what he meant, when Taza walked in.

"Prospect, we're heading out, come on." EZ nodded and began to walk out.

"See you around, Isabella." He left the clubhouse and Isabella was left standing there, wondering what was going on.

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