10: history

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Isabella had text Coco and told him to meet her outside of her house

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Isabella had text Coco and told him to meet her outside of her house. After hours of thinking about what she wanted, the only thing that Isabella knew for definite was that she didn't want to let Coco go. She was leaning against the wall when the familiar roar of the motorcycle appeared in the distance. Coco rode from down the road and stopped in front of where Isabella was stood on the sidewalk. He turned off the engine but didn't remove his helmet.
"Where we goin'?" He said it bluntly, like he didn't know whether to be mad at her or not. Isabella climbed on the bike behind him, and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"We're going to my house. Park up in the drive."
Coco didn't reply, or turn around to give her any sort of look. He just started up the bike and drove through the gates.

"Come on, don't worry." Isabella said to Coco as he walked into her house nervously, looking around in awe.
"Ain't someone gonna see me?" He stopped as Isabella closed the front door.
"I don't give a shit." Isabella shot Coco a look, trying to show him that she didn't care about anyone's opinions anymore. He smiled slightly as she lead him up the stairs to her bedroom.
"I think it's time for us to talk." Isabella said as she crossed her legs on the bed. Coco stayed stood next to the bed, still having his guard up.
"I'm goin' first." Coco breathed. "I really fucked up when I said we were just messin' around. I know you mean more to me than that, Bella."
Isabella stayed staring at Coco.
"Everything I said, it was fucked up. I don't care who knows about us. I don't care how different we are. Who gives a shit? I'm sorry, Bella." Coco ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.
"I'm sorry too, Coco. I don't care if my family know. But my dad? He isn't dangerous, I promise. He's too wrapped up at his office to even notice anything that I do."
Coco nodded and Isabella moved towards him on the bed. "I'm not embarrassed of you Coco. I wanna do this right." She took his hand and pulled him onto the bed.
"Then we're doin' it right." He chuckled as he climbed on the bed next to her and began to kiss her neck.
"I'll see you at the scrapyard." Isabella said to Coco before shutting her front door behind him.
"Querida?" Isabella turned around to see her grandmother stood behind her, a proud smile on her face.
"Grandma, how are you feeling?" Isabella walked towards her and embraced her in a hug.
"I saw you with the Mayan boy." She said as she pulled back from the hug and Isabella stared at her. She was shocked at what she had said, so casually. How did she know about the club? Or did she just see his cut?
"Um," Isabella started to speak, but didn't know what to say. She thought back to how her grandmother spent most of her life in Santo Padre. Everybody knew about the Mayans there, that must have been how she knew.
"Come," She signalled and began to walk towards the living room. "I want to show you something."

Isabella stared at the photo that her grandmother had placed on the table in front of her.
"Grandma... Who is this?" She breathed.
"That's me. I was only twenty." She said as she placed her hand on her granddaughter's shoulder. "They were some of the craziest days of my life."
Isabella turned around and grinned at her.
"Is this the Mayans?" She looked back at the photograph - her grandmother as a young girl, standing next to a young guy in a biker cut, her hand on his shoulder. They were stood behind a Harley Davidson.
"Oh no, I don't think they even existed back then." Isabella's grandma took a seat next to her and looked at the photograph again.
"Me and some other girls used to hang around that club," she nodded at the photograph. "We thought we were so rebellious, hanging with the biker boys." She chuckled and looked up at Isabella.
"Grandma, I-"
"Querida, I'm not saying that you're a younger version of me. That boy, if he's who you keep disappearing off to see? Then he must be who's made you so happy. Don't hide him away." She stood up and walked towards Isabella's chair.
"Because then, you'll just scare him away." She kissed her cheek and walked away, and Isabella took the photograph with her up to her bedroom.
"You know, I never drank beer until I met you guys." Isabella held the bottle up to Coco and laughed. Yet another of the club's smaller parties, and Isabella hoped that maybe this would be the first without an argument between Coco and herself. Coco turned from the fire and looked at Isabella.
"Sorry. Beer just ain't as classy as a margarita." He laughed and put his arm around her, kissing her as he did so.
"Oh? What's this then?" Taza raised his eyebrows as he threw a look at the other guys around the fire. Out of the corner of her eye, Isabella looked at Coco. They hadn't told the guys yet, and Isabella didn't want him to get uncomfortable. He looked down at her and smiled.
"You know, she's my girl." He grinned as the other guys threw around cheers and raised their beer bottles, and Isabella smiled up at Coco.
"Hey. You owe me fifty bucks!" Taza raised his bottle towards Gilly and Gilly scrunched his face up before putting his hand into his pocket.
"I can't believe they placed bets." Isabella chuckled.
"Course they did." Coco replied.

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