9: another one

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Isabella stood on the doorstep of Coco's place awkwardly, while EZ sat on his bike in the street

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Isabella stood on the doorstep of Coco's place awkwardly, while EZ sat on his bike in the street. Coco looked surprised to see her when he opened the door.
"Can I come in?" Isabella shuffled uncomfortably, feeling overly nervous already.

"Sure." Coco said bluntly, standing to the side so that she could walk in as he shut the door behind her.

"I'm sorry, Coco." Isabella sighed as soon as she walked in, and leaned against the wall.
"I shouldn't have got all mad and stormed off like that. But what EZ said, that hurt me." Isabella shuffled on her feet as Coco stood staring at her.

"Should be me apologising." Coco sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the guys. Truth is, I don't give a shit what they think. They're just being paranoid. They didn't even know anything was going on."
Isabella smiled slightly as she listened to him apologise. She thought she'd never hear words like that leave his lips, and even Coco was surprised to hear himself talking like that.

"But, Isabella..." Coco trailed off as he looked at her uneasily. "I gotta say, maybe it's a good thing this happened."

"What?" Isabella stood up straighter, confused.

"We're so different. We live separate lives!" Coco threw his arms up.

"Really, Coco? You're gonna bring all this shit up again?" Isabella looked at him angrily.

"You won't even let me come to your house." Coco had that angry, hard stare on his face now. "You're too scared of what Daddy's gonna say about you hangin' out with the biker boy." Coco spat, and Isabella could tell how mad he was.

"Coco, wait-"

"No, Isabella. You're too worried about what your rich family and friends thinks that you're actually embarrassed of me."

"You're one to talk! You haven't told any of the guys about us because you're all so fucking scared of my Dad!" Isabella yelled back at him.

"This is what I mean! You're too different. You ain't used to our lifestyle. You don't understand what your dad could do to us."
Isabella rolled her eyes and leant back on the couch again.

"So you're ending things with me?"

"Things? What things? We were just fucking! Messin' around! There was nothin' to tell the guys anyway!"
Isabella was hurt that he thought they were only messing around. In his head, Coco knew that him and Isabella weren't just fucking. But, for some reason, he couldn't stop talking. He was pushing her away, but he couldn't stop himself, even though he knew they weren't just messing around.
Isabella scoffed and stood back up.

"And you thought I was the one that cared what people think." She sneered as she walked past him.

"Well you definitely don't look happier than you did when you went in." EZ said as he watched Isabella walk back out towards him.

GOOD GIRL [COCO CRUZ] - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now