Chapter 1:Nakama?

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Lucy POV
Waking up to the sun rays lightly caressing my eyelids, hearing birds whistling in my ears and a nice sensation of an arm wrapped around my waist.

You thought I was gonna say that right? Well sorry to disappoint you but no.

Woke up with terrible messy hair flying everywhere, as to falling off the bed, woken up with a hard surface kissing my face, which I call the floor.

That is my wonderful, ever day morning since that one incident with a certain pink head that I now truly despise.

Flashback (6 months ago)

I woke up looking at the time which was wait what 12pm!! Quickly got ready so I can get to the guild before everyone starts to worry about me.

Once I got to the guild I shoved the door open giving them the biggest smile I can content "Hello nakamas" No reply. Thats weird.

I looked further ahead to see a bunch of people crowded up together like some penguins huddling to get some comfort and warmth.

I curiously poke my head in to see what exactly could have made them curious and quiet, only realising that there was a certain someone staring at me.

"What are you doing here weakling?" Spinning me around with a force that caused me to tremble and meeting the ground. Looking up to see who would do that only made it more confusing than it is.

"Natsu?" I questioned. He glared at me, before leaving I quickly grabbed his leg as to stopping him from going any further, still laying on the floor.

"What's wrong Natsu? What could I have done to make you this mad at me?" Looking up as to begging him for an answer.

"Mad? Pfft, don't make me laugh lucy I'm not mad, I'm furious" Calm and yet still with some irritaion in his voice, looking down at me with such digust in his facial expression as if he's looking at a pest that he hates enough to kill.

"What why?" With only getting a slap in return from my best friend or even worse my crush!

"Why you ask? Well let me tell you why lucy. Why the f*** did you do that to lisanna! I understand that she was not close with you, but that doesn't mean to just go up to her and tell her she doesn't belong to this guild, our family. You know what, you shouldn't be in this guild anyways, what kind of an idiot was I for bringing you here in the first place. Also having a good attitude won't get you anywhere in battle. You think we'll still keep you here just cause your nice? You're wrong!! You should have already known your weak and I don't need to explain to you because there's no other words to describe you but useless. So why lucy? Why do that to her!!!"

He stopped as I felt tears running down my cheeks, and shuttered heart that's been broken. Lucy? What happened Luce, your best friend? As he sighed looking at me with pity in his eyes "See lucy? You're crying when I didn't lay a single muscle on you, only my words went through, yet I don't see bruises so why are you crying? You shouldn't be. Or are you crying because we found out what you did to lisanna behind our backs?"

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