Chapter 4:Celestrial Reigon

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No one's POV

The next day of fairy tails celestrial death gray woke up to lucy still in his arms. Smiling at the beauty he heard a sound and quickly looked up to see loke standing in front looking down to his master.

Gray noticed his surroundings and gasped at the effects of the environment. "Juvia done that. She must really care about princess" Virgo appeared explaining to the ice mage who recovered his memories of the terrible event.

He looked up again at lucy's spirits, opening his mouth with a question in his mind that was interrupted with the lion sprit.

"She's not dead that's why we're still here, but she's going to die soon if we don't take care of her injuries. Before you ask how, Aquarius used herbal water that's like medicine when juvia was mad, and was able to expand a little of her life span but unfortunately her life is still on the line so I'm going to take her if I may"

Loke bend over to reach for lucy and grab her but gray selfishly refused to hand her over to him, shoving lokes hands away. The lion spirit sighed as he didn't know that this ice mage had an immature side, especially that it's for a girl since he's not really lovey dovey and all.

"Gray if you want her to live you need to pass her to me, trust me I want to save her as badly as you do. I need to take her to the celestrial realm so that she can heal up quicker and faster. Don't worry if you want to see her and have a future with her you need to make sure she lives by handing her over to me" loke said trying to ease the ice mage and convince him to give up the girl.

"Choose wisely " Virgo added. Giving up gray released lucy to Virgo as tears fell down, having the feeling that he won't see her for a while. "Don't tell anyone that she's still alive because it may make things dangerous for her. Be patient and she'll be back before you know it" The two spirits left in a blink of an eye as gray layed there already missing the blonde mages touch and warmth of holding her lovingly.

*Celestrial realm*

"Your majesty" All the twelve zodiac spirits were gathered in the throne room as they were all bowing to the celestrial king.

"How's my friend going loke?" Question the spirit king as loke quickly look up and answer his highness. "She's better than before but still has very bad broken ribs that were squashed and trembled on"

The spirit king furrowed his eyebrows and nodded his head in approval of his plans. "I will not forgive fairy tail"
The spirits looked at their ruler surprised at the sudden announcement. "I despise them" He added which made the spirits more curious on where he's taking this conversation to.

"Don't you agree that we should have revenge on  them for what they've done to our dear friend" All spirits smiled, nodding their heads excitingly that there king is alright with it. All that's been going through there heads is getting revenge for their dear blonde celestrial master.

"Your majesty, I've been wondering if we should unlock the last region of celestrial magic" loke suggested as the spirit king hesitated.

"Loke are you sure? That region is beyond human capacity it could kill her in a second. Also we've never let any human use the last region for everyone who passes, wields this power wrongly and destroys mankind, their own species" the celestrial king wondered on how loke has improved with humans. He was a spirit that hates humans, from an evil spirit to a celestrial spirit.

"That brat won't use this power for wrong desires. She's stupid and ugly yet smart and kind, turning against her spirits will be the last thing she would do" Aquarius butted in to help her master get stronger. Even though she treats lucy bad, shes the most worried mother figure lucy could have.

"Awww thanks Aquarius" surprising everyone, lucy walks in the throne room, smiling towards her saviors and king. Aquarius blushed thinking that she would say that or could've never let her hear that. Everyone started laughing at the mermaids face. "Don't get me wrong though brat, your still annoying" she replied, causing the blonde to laugh and smiled towards her as if she didn't hear a word she said.

"Thats settles it then. Lucy Heartfilia would you like to officially become an celestrial mage, mage of the stars and galaxy" Lucy nodded as the spirits were watching aside. "I'm just gonna warn you its gonna hurt a lot" the spirit king confirmed. "Yea more than giving birth" loke replied with sparkles in his eyes while Aquarius slapped him from the back of his head. "Get your head straight baka"

Lucy POV

All the twelve spirits surrounded me ready to release the last step of becoming mage of the stars. As I lay down on a platform table and closed my eyes awaiting for the worse to come. As the spirit calls:

Open gates of the galaxy
Open gates of the stars
Give the power of the infinity
Even through hidden scars
Renew the mind and heart
Be the protected and her friend
We are one, never pulled apart
No matter what comes, together till the end
We shall become one mix
As we all know that this'll be the first to exist
I call upon thee, oh phoenix
Last region that barely others could resist

"Aaaaahhhhh! !!" Pain surged throughout my body as if they are sucking my whole entire being out of me. This pain went on till it stopped and I felt my eyelids get heavy and everything turned to darkness.

No one's POV

Lucy woke up to see a bedroom with walls printed galaxy and laying on a golden bed. She saw that she was wearing a black slim dress that went down right above her knees, exposing her hourglass figure.

"Morning princess" the spirit maid greeted. "Morning" the blonde replied. "Punishment princess?" Lucy sweat dropped at her spirit. 'Still the same:)' "You should go downstairs bebi" the crab spirit ordered as she nodded her head and went straight for the stairs.

"How are you feeling my friend" spirit king asked. "I'm feeling great, thanks so much, I couldn't have been here without you guys, all of you" gratefully bowed towards her beloved spirits also her friends.

"You have been out for a week, I was worried if you were gonna die or something" loke hugged her, letting go only to be holding her shoulders. "But now you have to train" Lucy agreed but thought of something.

"How long would it take?" The king decided to answer that question. "It'll take 7 years in the celestrial realm but on earth 3 years" Lucy was fine with that but the only thing that was bothering her is the fact that she's not gonna be seeing a certain water mage for a long time.

The spirit king noticed this and was about to recommend something when he spotted the necklace she was wearing. "My friend, where did you get that necklace from?" Lucy looked at the king and followed where his eyes were staring at, which lead to her special souvenir. "Oh this, this is me and my best friends friendship necklace"

The spirit king decided that this blonde celestrial mage wasn't any type of person as well as her dear friend that gave her the necklace.

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