Chapter 8:Official Wielder

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None of these images are mine

No one's POV

The celestrial and water mage woke up, seeing themselves laying next to each other in the same room where lucy first woke from her awakening.

"Its almost time for you two to say good bye to each other" Virgo appeared, with clothes clinging off her hand, placing them in front of the girls

"What? Why? I thought me and juvia was gonna come here and train together"

Virgo stood in silence. "Well thats because you two have different Gaurdians and different lessons. Staying with each other will only get in the way" loke entered in the room, pulling up his glasses while leaning on the wall.

"Well then-" Lucy got out of bed and went up to loke. "Get out!" She kicked him outside the room and shut the door locked. "Wha.... Lucyyy" loke whined at his master.

"You stay out there pervert. We're getting changed" lucy warned. "Tch girls these days, she must be on her peri-"


"Don't you dare finish off that sentence lion head" Aquarius left him and continued to walk down the hallway that lead to the room where the girls were.

"Geez this is what I mean, girls. Sigh*" the lion spirit bumped into Scorpio and they started to have a conversation about girls.


"Goodbye juvia" lucy embraced her dear best friend as she was allocated to stay back in the celestrial realm and juvia has been arranged to the dragon realm.

"Goodbye lucy, juvia will get strong so juvia can protect you and our friends" they smiled at each other, knowing it will be 5 years till they see each other.

Time skip to 4 years (sorry ya girl lazy)

Lucy POV

Omega entered as I have finished my task with all my celestrial spirits. Its been so tiring. I wonder how juvia is going.

"Now you have completed your task and will learn the last with me. Your purpose is to protect the galaxy as well as magic. For that you will learn how to use elements such as water, fire, earth, and wind. The skills you've learnt with your spirits build up with these elements and helps you foresee things. You will only learn these and upgrade yourself with the knowledge you've gotten from Capricorn and skills you have learnt from the others. I'm sure you know a lot now since Capricorn is a very historical spirit in fact he was my 3rd spirit I've created"

"Wow Capricorns old" Shocked as to say he was actually that old. No wonder loke still respects him even when he's the leader of the zodiac spirits.

"Hahaha indeed he is child, but do not go telling him for he will be disappointed" I nodded. I wouldn't want him to be uncomfortable about his own age so I'll just leave it as that.

Times skip

"Now child since you've learnt all this I will release the galaxy upon your hands and my spirit will be within you and form with you. When you need me you just call my name"

"Now close your eyes for I am going to release everything in you"

I closed my eyes and felt tremendous power surge through me. It was too much for gravity that I was lifted on air and gently placed back down after the process was finished. I opened my eyes and phoenix was holding a mirror in front of me with her long tail.

 I opened my eyes and phoenix was holding a mirror in front of me with her long tail

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