Chapter 2:Best friend & Company

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No one's POV

As lucy arrived to the guild hall she went straight to the bar encountered by the lovely ship maker

Lucy POV

"Hello lucy, is it a strawberry milkshake you want for today?" Mira asked as I nodded, smiling at the devil woman that's slightly an angel right now. "Coming right up!" Excitingly making my upcoming dish.

After receiving my milkshake I took a sip of it as I thought of how the guild, 'my family' have been acting towards me lately. Well so far only Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Pantherlily, Levy, The Thunder Legion, Mira, Gray and surprisingly Juvia, who still interacts with me. The rest well who gives a f*** about them, to be honest don't really care anymore.

"Are you okay Lucy?" Asked the oldest Strauss, taking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah thanks anyways Mira, I'm really grateful for the things you've done for me so far" Smiling at the beautiful silver head as she smiled back. "No need to thank me Lucy you know that"

Mira. The one I truly admire when it comes to friendship and family. Though lisanna is her biological sister, she still chose to believe me and treat me the same, yet this time she seems more caring and more of an older sister figure. She's always stopping by at my apartment and check in on what I'm doing or how I've been. Sometimes she even comes over my house about two times a week and have dinner with me, also keeping me company when I'm sick.

"Lucy!!" A water mage ran straight into me as I hugged the being, knowing just who it was. "Morning Juvia" Letting go of me, spinning me around only to feel something slipping around my neck. I looked down to see I had a golden key that has little tiny blue rain drops on the key, like water flowing down through the golden key. At the top of the key, which is right above it, there's a blue diamond that has a little L craved on it.

Shocked at such a beautiful necklace I looked back at my friend noticing that Juvia had a matching one. Her key was blue with tiny golden stars on the key that looks like the galaxy with golden stars floating in a river if fresh water. At the top of the key, which is right above it, there's a golden diamond that has a little J craved onto it.

"This necklace symbolizes our friendship, your key is gold which is you and the rain drops is Juvias, and for Juvias necklace it's the opposite, Juvias is blue while the stars are yours"

"Juvia how much are these, by the looks of it, it has diamonds with our first letter name craved on it, not just that but it's also real gold and has some stylish tender towards it, especially that it matches to the exact magic we wield"

"It doesn't matter. Juvia thinks it's great and it's the only ones because Juvia asked for it to be made. Don't you dare try to bribe Juvia in paying back. Juvia will only be happy if you wear it happily with pride and joy because Juvia likes it when Lucy is happy" She said shyly as her smooth cheeks turn to a shade of pink. Awww how cute can she get.

I'm so happy Juvia and I are best friends, lately she doesn't call me love rival since she doesn't love her 'gray-sama' no more. We've become really close to the point she knows me more than anyone else and for me it goes the same. We always go shopping together, sleepovers, eat together, share secrets, and everything together. She's also my new partner for when we have to go jobs, sometimes gray and Wendy joins us but it's always me and juvia.

I embraced juvia holding back my tears that are trying to slip out. "Thanks so much Juvia. Your the best friend I could've ever had and would never ask anyone else to replace you"

"Well Juvia is glad to hear that" juvia replied as to saying that everything will be alright. I've been going through so much but I will never regret coming to fairy because of those few people who are still strongly with me.

"Looks like someone's all emotional early in the morning" Me and juvia turned to see the one and only stripper of fairy tail.

"Shut up gray" glaring playfully as Juvia started laughing as well as Mira,  forgot that we were still standing in front of the bar.

"Awww Lu-chan finally happy that you're getting back to yourself again" the bookworm joined as Pantherlily flew and sat on my head.

"Hehe. She looks stupid when she laughs though" Gajeel entered as gray fumed at him.

"Don't call her stupid metal face, shes got more brains than you"

"I was only joking around with bunny girl, she knows how to take things in unlike an ice princess like you"

"I can take things in no matter how hard or soft it is, I can even take in that ash heads fights, when you got knocked by him"

"Don't bring that lowly lizard in you perverted stripper!"

"Stoned face!"



Bang! "You two stop it, you guys are both idiots as well as blondie"

"Laxus!" Thunder Legion yelled

"What was that for bolt head!!?" gajeel
"What was that for pikachu!!?" Gray

"What was that!!!???" Laxus

No one's POV

All three of them were fighting as lucy was smiling at them knowing that even if it's not the whole of fairy tail, these guys still made her feel at home.

Thats when she had noticed what laxus called her. "Laxus!! You Crack head" as she ran in to join those two to beat the lightning dragon slayer.

"How dare you all say that about lucy!!" Juvia yelled, in a swipe of her hand a wave of water washed them together making a water hole which only caused them to be swept in circles.

"A aah! Rain woman stop this I'm going to throw up!" gajeel yelled holding his mouth.

"Oii! Cry baby let me go, water is bad for me remember I'm lightning!" The pleading blonde head shouted

"I didn't do anything I was helping lucy not offending her!!" Gray retaliated

The devil woman, bookworm and black exceed stood there and sweat dropped as they witnessed the total outcome of the situation.

Once gray mentioned Lucy juvia quickly recovered from her outburst, forgetting that her dear friend was in the fight as well, being tossed inside her water enchantment.

"Omg lucy!" As she let go of everyone, causing them to drop from the water onto the floor, quickly walking towards her favourite blonde and grabbed her hand.

"Sorry lucy, juvia forgot about you" Lucy smiled at her knowing just how much that bluenette meant to her.

"Sky dragon roar" Wendy chanted as everything flew everywhere and the boys landing in an uncomfortable position.

"Child. What on earth were you trying to do?" Carla questioned. "Oops sorry guys I was trying to dry you guys up" Wendy apologized shyly as she rubbed the back of her neck

........Awkward silence. "Pfft- BAHAHA"
Everyone turned their heads to a certain celestrial mage that was laughing her head off.

"Lucy what's so funny?" Mira asked. As lucy pointed to the boys. "Hahahaha" Mira started laughing as well as the others except the boys.

"I don't get what's so funny? You guys are annoying me now" gajeel mentioned, as the boys nodded in approval and confused on whats so funny.

"Look at yourself, you all look wrecked" Pantherlily answered as the boys looked at one another with wide eyes only seeing how ratchet they look.

"BAHAHA" Everyone started laughing and enjoying each others company until a certain group of three ruined it. 

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