Chapter 5:Lonely

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No one's POV

"Lucy would you please bring that friend of yours to the celestrial realm?"

"Hmm.....Why?" The blonde asked curiously. "Well that question will be answered very shortly after you bring her" Lucy nodded in agreement and turned to leave when she just stood frozen in place.

"Princess what are you doing? Any punishment hime?" The celestrial maid questioned as all spirits and lucy sweat dropped.

"Uhh no but how do I go back home?"

"Oh here take this"

Loke grabbed lucy's hand and places a golden key that resembles stars, onto her palm. "This is the key that holds the gateway between earth and the celestrial realm for celestrial mages"

Lucy just nodded as she enveloped her fingers caressing the key. "Open the gate of earthland" leaving her friends strolling into the portal, heading to grab her bluenette favourite.

Back at fairy tail

No one's POV

Back on earthland a certain bluenette was sitting frankly blank and emotionless. "*Sigh*......."

'Man she's been so depressed lately, that I haven't seen the sun since the incident' the metal dragon slayer thought as he have been observing his friend who have sighed the 10th time in the morning.

As if thinking the same thing Mira decided to approach the water mage, for everyone was told to keep their distance, if they don't want to witness hell.

"Hey cheer up Juvia. We all feel the same as you and we can all go for a swim later if you want" Mira tried her best comforting the sulking mage, causing Juvia to have looked irritated, only noticing that she was not helping and whatever she was trying to do, was not working.

"Oi. Rain woman. Get a grip of yourself here ok. Sulking like this ain't gonna get you anywhere as for the others dealing with your colour less rain. Lucy wouldn't like to see the situation you are in right now. Right?"

Levy slapped the metal head's arm, only to receive glares from the rest of lucy's friends. Juvia tensed up at the mention of her dearest blonde friend. For her best friend has been 'dead' for 2 months.

It was dead silent, only hearing lisanna dropping a glass cup that she was gladly cleaning for her older sister.

Whenever mentioning or even hearing the celestrials name, it cuts sound to form in silence. As if it was forbidden to do anything with 'Lucy' and especially not wanting juvia to become a mad woman.

Whimpers were heard from the corner of the guild only to find the young Marvell to be recalling the event and couldn't hold herself no more, dropping to the ground. "I...I miss her..... I miss lucy" tears streaming down her soft cheeks, as she sob hoping to see the blonde mage again.

"She's gone" Mumbled the lightning wielder. "She's. .... She's not coming back" you can hear the pain he was going through, cracked voice that's only been released with a push of complete sadness. Trying to convince the weeping girl that she won't see her. Again.


"Don't you get it Wendy" juvia cut her off as she stood up aggressively. "She's gone. This is reality. It hurts but crying over her won't bring her back."

"Tch, your one to talk" Gray added

"Shut up, you guys don't get it. The rain is not caused because of the death of lucy" Juvia spat

"What, your sad that you couldn't protect her? You told us that you would cover her, you were by her side yet you still couldn't shield her? That's why your sad, you feel pathetic that your best friend couldn't even stay alive because of the lack you have in keeping her safe!"

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