Chapter 3:Blood, Tears & Chaos

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No one's POV

Lucy and her true friends were having a good time when suddenly the guild doors were kicked open, only to see three figures entering the environment.

"Well no wonder I was hearing a retarded noise that was coming from here, it was the weaklings laugh" Natsu said only to receive glares from lucy's friends.

"Hmph coming from someone who's not mentally normal" Lucy smirked as nastus jaws dropped and lucy's friends laughing at the comeback.

"Mira why are you laughing at natsu? You should be here defending me, she said something bad about him even worse me, your little sister" the little Strauss complained.

"What? The last time I checked natsu started it by trying to roast with lucy. And just because I am your sister, doesn't mean I have to always agree on what you say" Mira defended.

"Mira remember blood is thicker than water. And I know you have a say, you do have opinions and that goes for everyone" lisanna smiled.

"I know blood is thicker than water, but blood only comes from the heart which controls all of my demonic system and my heart tells me that lucy isn't the one at wrong here. Also if you disagree on what I'm saying, you'll be going against your words, you should accept my opinion that I'll never leave lucy just because of a rumor that has no evidence of being true" Mira said to her little sister which caused her to get teary.

"M-mi-ra" lisanna was reaching towards her sister when Erza cut her.

"Mira, you dare talk and treat your sister like that? Even though you were so sad when you thought she was dead and now that she is back, this is what you wanted to give her?"

"It's true I missed her a lot. Very much. But this isn't what I wanted. A lisanna that looks just like my sister but I still can't recognize. Why? Because of the jealousy she felt seeing natsu and lucy being close. Making her feel like she's been replaced and causing trouble only to grab on what she desires for. She's still my sister, but not the one I once loved so much. I'm sorry, it can't be the same if she isn't the same person I once knew"

Lisanna raged in tears, such anger rising above the expectations as she leapt towards the celestrial mage screaming 'it's all your fault'. Changing into her animal form and scratched her face so deep that it would definitely leave a scar there.

Everyone gasped and were surprised at the sudden contact, as Juvia and Wendy ran to lucy that was currently on the floor in pain. Mira went straight to her little sister in her Satan soul and pushed her with force seeing her fly to the other side of the guild hall, hitting the wall.

"MIRA!! Don't do that she's your sister!!" Natsu yelled at her. "I don't CARE!!" Mira yelled back in tears with anger written all over her face. "You BASTARD!!" Natsu was aiming straight for Mira when he got struck with lightning. "Don't even think about it peep squeak" Laxus growled

Erza grabbed natsu by the arm and pulled him back towards her. "You deal with the others, I'll take care of the devil and yellow b****" As she let go she yelled "Fairy tail, it's time we get rid of heartfilia!!!"

All of the other mages cheered and surrounded lucy and her friends, ready to attack and hunt their prey down.

"I won't let you touch her!!" Gray yelled back ready for battle. "Juvia, Wendy, make sure you take care of bunny girl cause it's going to get ugly" gajeel proceeded.

"Yea if blondie gets hurt your gonna be at fault" Laxus warned. "Don't worry, juvia won't let them touch lucy, and if they try to I'll kill them"

Wendy, Evergreen, Freed and Bixlow shivered at the coldness of the water mage. Its as if lucy is now her gray-sama. "I'll back you guys up just in case they get through" Pantherlily assured as he transform into his battle custom making Wendy and juvia feel more at ease in case something might happen.

"Don't worry Lu-chan, watch me write pain and regrets all over there face and rip them into pieces" the bookworm promised. 'Woah remind me to never piss off shrimp' gajeel thought to himself.

"Lucy I swear over my dead body I will protect you" Gray whispered unknowingly heard from the ship maker. 'Okay I gotta make lucy live in order to see graylu ship sail eeeeh!!' In the devil woman's mind. Laxus sweat dropped at the sudden change in her expressions.

"Go, Charge!!" Cana yelled as everyone collided to each other in battle. Lucy's friends are strong but they were outnumbered by the amount of mages they're facing.

While everyone was in battle Erza made a plan to use the others to distract them and slip through to reach lucy. Without notice lucy was charged but stopped by Pantherlily as he tried holding back titania.

But Erza quickly threw a sword that was able to reach lucy and strike straight through her stomach and started to bleed tremendously. "Lucy/Bunny girl/Lu-chan/Blondie/Lucy san!!!!" Everyone stopped what they were doing as lucy's friends ran straight to lucy's side, witnessing a horrific view of their dear celestrial mage.

"*cough* i-im fine g-guys *cough* t-thanks for e-everthing. I l-love y-you all m-my d-dear frie---"

"NO!!!!" Mira shrieked as she was pulled into laxus's arms in comfort and trying to calm her down. Wendy cried as well as the exceeds who are with her and Thunder Legion. Gajeel shed a tear that ran down his cheek and saw levy broke down and went straight to her side. Gray froze in place not able to react at the scene, observing his beloved nakama that's laying there. Not able to take in on what happened to the blonde that he loved most. "Aaaaahhhhh!!!" He finally broke down hugging lucy crying into her cold lifeless body.

"Haha....ha.......hahahahaha" Everyone stopped bawling and went quiet only hearing a bluenette laughing wickedly. "Lucy" she whispered "Lucy" she whispered again, only to glance from the side seeing her best friend in the arms of gray, dead. "fairy tail" she growled in her whisper, holding her fists very tightly and bangs covering her eyes, shaking in madness as she stared towards the floor. "FAIRY TAIL" she growled in anger and hatred again, tilting her eyes straight to the others, able to see her emotions for she was beyond outrageous. "FAIRY TAIL!!!!!!" she went in rage as the sky turned dark and shady and a storm emerging as they were listening to there masters call. Rain pouring rapidly transforming a flood that are full of rivers, every drip counts as her tears blend within them, and her pain forming into a hurricane.

"Aaaaahhhh!!" All fairy tail mages are washed into her deadly waves. Before she was able to drown them Makarov stopped it by casting a spell to make her fall asleep.

Once it was cleared the whole of fairy tail was teared apart and nothing was left but mages on the floor with ripped clothes and scratches all over them. Still rain dripping but calmed down from before as she didn't just destroy fairy tail, but nearly the whole of magnolia.

Makarov looked down at the water mage with fear in his eyes. 'This child can get rid of a whole guild or even a nation when emotions take over, such strong immense power that she is capable of but barely knowing it' He looked up to see all of his children unconscious except a few (lucy's friends) seeing them terrified from Juvias outburst but also mourning?

Only to spot the celestrial mage that was wrapped within grays arms and with a sword right through her. And noticed that it wasn't just any mage, but the light of fairy tail.

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