Chapter 6:Return & Myth

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No one's POV

A celestrial maid was strolling down the street, admired by the changes that has happened around magnolia. "Hey l-lucy? Long time no see, did you go on a vacation or something?" One of the gentlemen shouted as he stopped rowing the boat waiting for an answer.

Lucy stood in her tracks, turning only to notice that she was near her apartment that she oddly didn't recognise and turned towards the male confused.

"What do you mean? It's only been a day"

"What? No lucy, it's been six months since I've seen you"

"What!" Shocked as to say. Realising that the celestrial realm contains a different time space. Lucy was worried that her friends have been heart broken and to think that she just came to pick up Juvia and left again for another three years, it'll be too much for them.

Lucy decided that she should just get Juvia and leave without them knowing. Its selfish of her but she doesn't want them to try and convince her to stay, which is the only right move for her to take.

Lucy opened the door to her apartment and looked around, it was the same. Nothing changed and it was kept the exact way she left it. But she's been gone for 6 months. Shouldn't the land lady remove everything? Her dads not here to pay for it, so why is it still here?

She continued to walk further, reaching her bedroom knob, twisting it as to enter her dearest room only to be caught, with a presence behind her, shifting the knife upon her neck.

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?" A rough tender towards this madness. Lucy was too frightened to move or even retaliate. Like seriously she just got back from almost losing her life.

"Answer me. What exactly is your plan" She hissed. Shaking the knife, trying to force an answer out of the celestrial mage.

"That should be my line woman. What are you doing in my apartment?" Lucy got the courage to fight back. She's not running away. A life has been granted and she's not gonna let a single person to take it away from her.

"L-lucy?" The grip loosened and the stranger let go of lucy and gasped in surprise.

"Huh?" Lucy turned around and stood wide eyed at the figure. "Juvia?" Juvia weep at the sudden encounter. Hearing her voice made it enough for her to loose stance and embrace the blonde.

"Lucy! Juvia thought you died. How are you......what did you.......where have you........oh Mavis"

"Juvia it's okay calm down, I'll tell you everything that has happened" Lucy hugged her best friend back. Holding her as she felt Juvia releasing her and wiped her tears.

"There was s-so much b-blood. T-to muc-" Lucy cut her off as she grabbed Juvias hand and placed a celestrial key. Juvia was confused as to why a celestrial mage would be placing her keys on a water mage.

"I'm fine, my friends protected me" as she speak her keys shined at her words.

"Juvia is so sorry lucy. Juvia couldn't protect you and you-"

"Juvia I said I'm fine. Its alright, really"

Juvia smiled at her kind gesture. "Let's go lucy, everyone would love to see you up standing, especially gray" juvia smirked as lucy blushed at the sudden thought of seeing gray.

"No juvia. Not right now, I need you to come with me to the celestrial realm"

"Hmm? Why?"

Lucy sighed as she thought of the same thing. Why is the celestrial king being so needy all of a sudden, and what's it got to do with juvia.

"Well I don't know either. The celestrial king said he'll tell us both once you come as well"

Juvia nodded. "Well what are you waiting for" Lucy laughed at her impatient friend and made a portal for the two to enter.

At the guild*

No one's POV

Why do I got a feeling that I should be worried about something. A certain ice mage thought, top less.

"Oi. Whats with your face, you look disgusting" gajeel proceeded

"Tch whatever" Gray sat there not in the mood for any arguments. He was still thinking about lucy. The girl that was bright and smiled beautifully. The girl he thought was a friend but felt more towards her as days pass by.
"If only, I didn't give her away" Gray whispered to himself as he sighed, missing her presence near his. Not knowing that Gajeel heard with his dragon slayer sense but he thought of leaving him.

'What does he mean giving her away?' Gajeel was keen to find out why the stripper would give someone away. Was it that Ur lady he always felt sorry for? Lyon? Wait that's a guy. Juvia? But something clicked in his head as he thought what exactly he might have meant. Lucy

Celestrial realm*

Lucy's POV

"Welcome back my friend and?"


"Ah yes juvia. You two may be thinking why I wanted us to gather around here. But this is gonna take a long time to explain" the celestrial king announced as me and juvia decided to sit, patiently.

"Ok there was a myth that nobody have heard of which was called the 'phoenix catastrophe' This was not exactly a myth but a long forbidden magic that could not be used till the chosen one have been found" He paused to see if we were listening as we both nodded in unison, so he continued.

"Many years ago a celestrial mage was extremely powerful. Had all the zodiac keys and obtained many forbidden keys that are hidden in other realms. We all thought she was a lovely lady and worthy of the last celestrial Reigon. Which is the phoenix wielder. This power contains the celestrial being to become one with the galaxy. Stars could obey the being for the phoenix is the creator of celestrial spirits" the spirit king stopped as I interrupted with a question that's popped up in mind.

"If the phoenix created celestrial spirits. Are you also molded by it?"

The spirit king nodded. "I am indeed. I was created to rule the realm and take charge of the ones living within it. But I have no capacity towards the galaxy or universe. Only those who wield the phoenix are connected"

"Juvias got another question" the spirit king nodded in approval to speak. "If you wield the phoenix, are you able to create spirits yourself?"

"Good question. No, you cannot. For the phoenix power is wielded like using a star dress. Using the power of the phoenix that creates the spirits you are worthy of, and give you the power you are capable of"

"Wow. Why haven't anyone been wielding it then?" I interrupted.

"Well my dear friend, that human used the power wrongly. She destroyed mankind and many lives were taken. Phoenix was furious and tried to demolish her but she was wielding it and damaged the phoenix"

Me and juvia sat there shocked at the myth. How could someone be so cruel. The most dangerous creatures aren't beasts. But humans itself

"But finally someone has decided to step up and defeat her once and for all"

"Who was that?" Asked by none other than juvia

"Anna Heartfilia. A spectacular wizard indeed. Her spirits weren't as strong but she had the dragon spirit keys. The dragons gave their spirit to the phoenix as they were given the keys back to the owner. Anna met a celestrial dragon and decided to become partners. When she found out the vicious woman's actions all dragons decided to fight by her side. Anna was the only celestrial wizard who was in trusted with all dragon keys.

After Annas victory the phoenix fell into deep sleep and left a scroll that said. Those who would hold this symbol shall be the chosen one to protect the galaxy again.

Since then the phoenix power have been sealed and never revealed, which caused others to consider it as a myth"

I looked at the symbol that was not a symbol in the time now. It was

My necklace.

Sorry for the late update.
Hope you guys enjoyed this and vote if you have. Thanks

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