Chapter 7:Gaurdians

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No one's POV

"Wait that's my necklace" Lucy pointed out as the spirit king nodded. "Yes, which means you are chosen" Lucy gasped in surprise and felt her heart beating fast. 'Is it because I'm excited or nervous?' Lucy thought.

"Wow lucy, Juvias happy for you" juvia jumped on her friend as they both laughed together, joyfully.

"But what is juvia doing here?" Juvia questioned. The spirit king then brought another scroll.

"Well when the phoenix fell asleep, another scroll was made and it was another promise the phoenix vowed.

It says that of having this symbol is the wielder of night wolves. This mage would be alongside my friend 'the phoenix wielder' and protects the moon and balance within earthland and other realms.

Night wolves power is held within strengths and tides, moons gravity is compatible of the wolf wielder. You will fear no darkness and accompany my friend. As we both phoenix wielder and night wolves wielder, join hands and become guardians"

"What!!!" The water and celestrial mage shouted in unison. "We're gonna be guardians? " Lucy questioned only to receive a nod from the spirit king, again.

"There's one more scroll the phoenix left" This time the last scroll came with a golden feather and navy blue furs that's stuck together.

The spirit king gave the golden feather to lucy and the blue furs to Juvia. "The scroll says. My friend and partner. This is a covenant of our agreement and purpose. Place your given item in your mouth and swallow it an-"

"What! No way!" Lucy stubbornly denied at the sudden instruction. "There is no way in hell I'm swallowing a feather? It could have a disease or hypothetically-"

"It's divine you dumb idiot" Aquarius cut off. "Brat, don't you dare criticize our creator" Aquarius hissed with annoyance. Lucy swallowed down the rest of her words and kept quiet.

"Well my friend Aquarius is right, this holds divine powers and it's proof of your contract since these spirit guardians do not come with keys"

The spirit king paused to see lucy sighing in result of his nagging

"Well then, please swallow it in" the king instructed "What now?" Juvia asked, hesitating but not wanting to complain and ruin the reputation in front of Aquarius.

"Well of course, yes"

Juvia and lucy placed there items on there tongues and quickly swallow the items down their throats (okay that kinda sound wrong😂).

"Now within this we are contracted with each other. Those who offend you, offend us, those who attacks you, attacks us, those who curses you, us guardians curses them, those who are your enemies, are our enemies and those who are your friends, are our dear one's. We are your provider and you are our protector. We provide you strength, power and wisdom within our own reach"

Juvia and lucy are touched and privileged to have a partner with such commands that are reliable to depend on.

"Now this is my last instruction. Swallow your neckalace"


All celestrial spirits that was watching laughed at the girls reaction. One moment they were filled with love and joy and the next they're outrageous and mad.

"Juvia will choke!" The water mage assumed
" body can't digest this!" The blonde mage retorted.
"Pfft smart ass" Aquarius teased

"You will do as command my dear friend and juvia, this is the will of the phoenix and night wolves"

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