Part 6

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Frank lazily opened his stinging eyes. He felt the hard tombstone dinging Into his cheek. Lifting his head up hissing, he turned around to see the cute boy with the green tie looking over him. Almost like a guardian angle. Turning his attention to his arm he noticed he was sheltered by a warm fuzzy jacket. Although Frank was confused he felt warm for the first time in months.

'You ok?' A voice asked. Frank turned back around to meet his kind gaze. 'Yeah' sounding extremely unsure. Gerard could see his confused frown. 'Im Gerard, I saw you getting trouble of that asshole'. Gerard looked down at a bit exposed skin on franks chest. 'Did he give you all of those bruises?' Frank bit his lip timidly, trying to hold back his tears. Gerard panicked seeing the hurt he was feeling. 'Hey it's okay, what's your name?' Frank gazed at the love in Gerard's eyes, somebody actually cared. 'Frank Iero' he smiled sadly.

'Your the guitarist Mr Toro told me about!' Gerard exclaimed when he realised who the boy was. 'I need to hear you play!' Frank laughed a bit. 'Im not that good Jesus' Franks mood lifted. 'Bullshit! I can tell, you've got guitar hands!' Gerard said giggling while nodding towards Franks hands. 'Guitar hands?' Frank questioned curiously. 'Guitar hands, thin palm and long slender fingers!'

Gerard shuffled closer, picking Franks hand up gently and placing his hand to it, so there palms and fingers were aligned. 'See!' Gerard exclaimed. Frank tilted his head and smiled. 'Hmm, guess I have smiling at Gerard. Franks palm was smaller than the other boys but his fingers outstretched Gerard's fingers.

Both boys felt a spark at the contact. Gerard removed his hand, 'I'm learning to sing at the moment but it's not that good yet' he giggled, 'we should totally start a band!' Grinning, Frank looked down at his shoes and back up at Gerard's wrist, there lay a Green day wristband. ' You like Green day?' 'Your kidding right, they are AMAZING!' Gerard exclaimed. The rain eased off, the sun began to shine through.

'Your a cool kid Frank, I tell we will be friends.' Frank wriggled uncomfortably. Gerard saw this and looked hurt. 'Don't you want to be friends?' He frowned sadly. 'No!' Frank shouted instantly before settling down again. 'Its just, everyone who I've ever got close to has left me..' Frank paused. 'Im scared I'll lose you too, even though I've just meet you, your awesome and I don't want to lose you.' He scanned back to Gerard who had a concerned, sad look on his face.

He moved closer to Frank and pulled him in for a hug. As soon as Franks face hit Gerard's chest, he let lose and started to sob uncontrollably. Gerard held him close. 'Who's grave is this?' He quietly whispered. 'Moms' he screamed howling. 'Shush, it's ok Frank, I'm here, I'm not leaving you. Frank started to calm down. After a few minutes Frank was silent but still he lay, sheltered by Gerard's warm embrace. They fit together perfectly like a jigsaw, both of them could feel it to.

Slowly he lifted his head to meet the older boys gaze. Sitting back he took a breath and composed himself. 'I was 10' Gerard sat up straight, showing him he would listen. 'Life was perfect. We were a happy family, me, my dad, my mom would hang out all the time, we had a special bond. He smiled remembering the fond memories.

'But one day she went to work. And never came back. She chocked on her food while at the office. And that's when it went down hill......For months I would sit at the window waiting for her to come home, but she never did.' Gerard squeezed Franks arm to show support. Frank carried on: ' Dad started drinking, soon he was always drunk. One day I spilt juice on the carpet and he...he..hit me. Hard. And since then he takes his anger out on me.'

The older boy gasped in shock and horror. Frank smiled softly. 'One day when I was 13 I brought my friend home. And I kissed him and of course he swore at me and walked out but my dad walked in. I've never been so scared in my life.' Frank looked back up,at Gerard to see if he was still here after the whole 'gay' bomb. But sure enough he was.

'He hit me to the floor, kicking me constantly until I bled. When he stepped back I thought he was leaving he alone but instead he undid his belt and hit me with it constantly. I thought I was going to die. he kept calling fag, disgrace, rotten, loser and since then I believe I am.' Gerard grabbed him by the shoulders firmly. Kneeling in front of him.

'Frank, you are not a fag, a disgrace, loser or rotten. In fact your perfect how you are ,don't let anyone tell you different.' And with that Gerard pulled him into a second hug. Frank clasped his hands around his back and took in his sweet scent. 'Come on, let's get you some place warm.' Gerard said kindly while pulling frank to his knees. The younger boy still wrapped in his jacket.

The boy with the green tie (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now