Part 26

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'Hey Mikey, how's Frank doing?' Ray answered his phone anxiously. 'Well, this morning Gee said he found him sat on the floor watching the news on his dad's body being found.' Ray sighed loudly. 'Oh man, I bet he's in hell.'

'Yeah, but Gerard's in there playing music with him, they sound pretty awesome!' Mikey tried to lighten the mood. 'Why don't you and Bob come round?' Ray paused. 'Are you sure Franks up to it?'

'I think he needs his friends right now.........I need you right now.' Mikey's tone dropped. He sounded sad again. 'Ill call Bob, well be round in a bit.'

An hour later the door rang. Frank was cleaning the hallway window and quickly opened the door. Ray and Bob were surprised to see him. Ray gave a sympathetic smile. 'Hey , come in' Frank spoke softly before moving out of the way. Ray carried a guitar case in his left hand and squeezed past the small boy. Bob followed, patting him on the shoulder. Bob wasn't the best at emotional support, or showing feelings full stop so Frank knew he cared about him a lot. It made him feel a little better. 'Mikey, Gee, the guys are here!' Frank squeaked.

'So how are you doing?' It was expected and Frank didn't know what to say. He had lost his dad yesterday, how do you think he feels?! But Ray was only trying to help. Frank decided on a short 'fine' knowing the boys could tell he was lying through his teeth.

Bob cleared his throat and handed him a leaflet. It was blue and yellow and had 'teens dealing with loss' in bold letters, it looked old and creased. Frank took it hesitantly. 'Just incase, my sister died when I was 10 and this place really helped. It's probably changed number now but I know is still in the same place. The address is on the back.'

Bob pointed to the back of it awkwardly. Frank could see that Bob was struggling with the whole sensitive situation. He spoke with no emotion but Frank knew there was tonnes hidden behind the hard shell. 'Thanks Bob, I'll look at it.'

Gerard and Mikey came down the hallway and into the living room. Mikey blushed when he saw Ray smiling as he walked into the room. 'What guitar you got?' Gerard questioned, nodding towards the over sized guitar case placed by Rays side.

Ray got out his guitar. 'Gibson, les Paul custom.' Frank froze. 'Its beautiful' Frank spoke like he was looking at a landscape or painting when in fact he was looking at a guitar. Ray laughed. 'I know right'

'You should here them two play! They are awesome!' Mikey spoke as a proud brother. Grinning at Gerard. 'I wanna hear!' Bob complained, biting into his sandwich, chewing as he spoke.


You're not in this alone

Let me break this awkward silence

Let me go, go on record

Be the first to say I'm sorry

Hear me out,

And if you take me down

Or would you lay me out

And if the world needs something better

Let's give them one more reason now, now, now

We walk in single file

We light our rails and punch our time

Ride escalators colder than a cell

This broken city sky like butane on my skin

stolen from my eyes

Hello Angel, tell me where are you

Tell me where we go from here

Tell me we go from...

As they went into the next verse Ray started to play a riff on top of Franks and the room exploded with sound. Mikey grinned and picked up his bass, playing along to compliment the hard guitar sounds. Bob started to hit and tap his knees. They were spectacular, even in the grotty little room with no drum kit.

And in this moment we can't close the lids on burning eyes

Our memories blanket us with friends we know like fallout vapors

Steel corpses stretch out towards an ending sun, scorched and black

It reaches in and tears your flesh apart

As ice cold hands rip into your heart

That's if you've still got one that's left inside that cave you call a chest

And after seeing what we saw, can we still reclaim our innocence

And if the world needs something better, let's give them one more reason now

This broken city sky like butane on my skin

stolen from my eyes

Hello Angel, tell me where are you

Tell me where we go from here

Tell me we go from here.....

Once the sound had stopped the boys sat in silence grinning. They knew it was the start of something special.

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