Chapter 9

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Erika's POV
I finally get out the car and take my phone out the cup holder. I forget it in there when I was at Jakes. I open the house door and walk in. I head up stairs and take A- shower and lay in my bed with Shorts and A sports bra on. I made myself dinner and I went outside to the soccer net and I was just fooling around.

Jakes POV
I wonder why erika left. Maybe she got embarrassed. Whatever I'll talk to her tomorrow. I get out the pool and make A snack and head to my room. Later I see Logan come into my room

L- hey man
J- sup
L- how's the girlfriend
J- good
L- why isn't she over. Have you told mom
J- no why

He bolts downstairs to and we see my mom making dinner. I don't want my mom to know because she will want to invite her over and meet her parents but it's not even real and she is going to be so excited.

L- mom guess what
P- what
L- little brother Jakey has A girlfriend
P- OMG that's great. What's her name
J- *sighs* her name is erika
P- when can I meet her
J- I don't know  mom

As I was talking to my mom I couldn't get erika off my mind. I needed to see her now but I don't know where she lives. I'm going to ask chance to ask Tessa. I text chance

J- chance
C- yo
J- I need you to ask Tessa where Erika lives
C- alright on it
5 min later
C- alright 550 maple road
J- thank
C- no problem

J- mom I'm going to head out
P- where too
J- Erika's she needs me
P- okay have fun

I run out the kitchen out the front door and ran to my car and put her address in my phone and headed there. I get there and it's huge and there's A gate so park my car on the road and walk up to the gate. I guess I have to climb it easily and I head to the front door and ring the door bell. The door opens and Erika  is standing there with shorts and A sports bra on. I step forward and grab her waist and kiss her I push her inside without breaking the kiss. I shut the door and push her against it. She put one hand on my neck and one in my hair. I...

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