Chapter 33

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Jakes POV
I woke up and got ready for school. And I walked in to school with everyone dapping me up and pats on the shoulders and stuff like that For the game tonight. I reach my locker and grab my math and head to class. I get there and everything goes well. I make it through all of the class up until my lunch and the football players and soccer players get let out at 4th period for there games. Me and Erika are supposed to meet at my car before the games. I'm at my car waiting for erika. I see her and she crosses the entrance way and a car comes and hits her and I see her head hit the ground. I run towards her and the person gets out of the car. I hold Erika's head in place and yell at the guy to cal the ambulance.

J- Erika
E- ...

I check her pulse and there is nothing. I get up And I tackle the guy to the floor and beat him up. I go back to Erika and I collapsed top of her and I cry. I hear the ambulance come and they tell me to get off and they put her on the stretcher and take her in the ambulance and they talk me to meet them at the hospital. I run to my car and race to the hospital. I get there and I run inside and I tell them what happened and they tell me that they took a girl into surgery and they got her to come back. They told me to go sit and they will call me when I can go see her.

3 hours later

It's been 3 hours and the nurse said that I can go back in 5 minutes And that she will come and get me when it's time

6 minutes later

She tells me to follow her to the room. We get there and she tell me to go on in. I open the door And I see Erika hooked on wires and a cast on her foot and arm. I walk closer to her and I grab her hand and I bust into tears.

J- your going to be okay. I love you so much. It was my fault. Please don't go I love you too much. I want to marry you one day. Please stay with me. PLEASE.

I sit down on the chair not letting go of her hand just looking at her waiting for her to get up. I hear this beeping noise and I start to panic.

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