Chapter 57

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Erika's POV
I look in the cup holder and see jakes phone and broken

E- what did you do to your phone
J- nothing love
E- it's broken
J- I needed to get a new one anyways

I sigh and I put my arms in Jakes flannel And look out the window. We soon get there and we see my parents looking out to the water. I get out and jake grabs something from the back as I stand at the front of the car. He soon gets out with his varsity jacket in hand. We walks to me and puts it over me

E- Jake you need this you only have a T-shirt on
J- I'm fine let's go

As the wind blows we go to my parents and start walking to the ice cream shop. As we are next in line Jake speaks up

J- you guys order first and then me and Erika will go so I can pay for everyone
D- jake it's okay I got it
J- no I insist I got it don't worry

The lady calls us up and my parents get one ice cream to share as they move out the way Jake puts his arm around me

J- we will do a cookies and cream in a cup please

Jake pulls out a 20 and gives it to her and tells her to keep the change. She soon comes back with our two cups of ice creams and we walk outside to look out at the water

An- erika me and your father are going to go down there
E- okay

They walk a little bit down from us and Jake leans on the railing with his elbows looking out. I step beside him and I look down to see my parents feeding each other ice cream. I look back at water. Jake passes me the ice cream. He stands behind me and puts his hands on my hips and we both look out. I get out of his grip and I put my back on the railing as Jake puts his hands on the railing behind me and we both look each other in the eyes.

J- are you gonna eat the ice cream or am I *smiles*

I look down at it and I pick the spoon up and I put it up to Jakes mouth and he eats it. We both take bits until we finish it. I reach up and wipe his face. Jake takes the bowl and runs to throw it out. He comes running back. We go back in the same position. He moves my hair out of my face and goes for the kiss and then pulls back after unlocking our lips. He pulls me into a hug. I hear footsteps and see it's my parents coming and both are looking down at his phone and are both smiling. They reach us

D- we just got news that we can stay longer if that okay with you erika
E- it's more than okay

I back away from Jake

An- it's getting late we should head home
E- okay we'll meet you guys there

They walk away and we follow close behind as we go to our cars

Erika's house

Erika's POV
Me and Jake didn't talk on the way home. Right now me and Jake are changing getting ready to watch a movie with my parents. Jake jumps on my bed and puts his hands on his face and starts to swear to himself. I walk into the closet

E- where did you go
J- no where
E- Jake you were 40 minutes late. You knew that you were coming with us why did you leave

I walk out with shorts and a hoodie on. He is still on the same spot

J- I had to help someone out
E- was it more important than the dinner
J- I don't know
E- where did you go
J- zachs party
E- why
J- there was a fight

Angels pov
As me and dan are walking down the stairs we stop at Erika's door to see if they are ready but jake and Erika are talking and the door is open just a little bit. So me and dan move to the side and listen

E- so you went to go fight
J- No I went to go get tony off of max
E- couldn't someone else do it
J- nah everyone are pussys
E- language
J- everyone are cats. is that better
E- why didnt Chance do it
J- why do you think he called me. He couldn't get him off for CHRIST SAKE
E- don't raise your voice

We here footsteps And the door shuts

E- what else did you do
J- what do you think I did bend him over And have sex with him erika. I told him to stop and then he got mad because of all the times that I fought max. And then we got into a fight
E- Jake Tony's your best friend
J- well now he's not

There voices are getting louder as they talk with each other and I look towards dan and all he is doing is listen to what's happening

E- why did you fight him
J- he was talking shit
E- doesn't mean you have to knock him out
J- oh I didn't touch him I just had a nice conversation with him

It goes quite so me and dan walk downstairs to the movie theatre. We sit next to each other and wait for them

Jakes POV
I look at the door and get up.

J- come on love we have to go watch a movie with you parents

She shakes her and walks to the door and walks downstairs and I follow going to the movie theatre. Once we get to the bottom of the stairs Erika shuts all the lights off as I sit in the corner of the couches surrounding the walls. I sit all the way back so my feet don't touch. I pick the remotes up and turn it on. I pick up the one remote

J- dan catch

I send the remote to him across the room and he gives it to angel and she puts on a movie and I look at erika who looks uncomfortable standing near the lights. I pat in between my legs and she walks over and sits in between my legs. Angel puts in a movie. The movie start and I play with Erika's hair. The movie barely even start and it all goes black

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