Chapter 28

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Erika's POV
I put on a sweatshirt and walk out to Jake sitting on the bed. I sit beside him and put my head down

E- I'm sorry
J- your fine I'll wait for you

I look up at him and smile and he does too.

J- there's a party tomorrow
E- on a Tuesday?
J- it's for the football players that made the team but anyone can come and I don't think it's a good idea if you came
E- oh okay
J- but it's your decision if you want to go you can. Your friends are going.
J- if you go you will have to be close to me but not to close because we said that it wasn't a good idea if people knew we are together.
E- I'll come

I jump on Jakes lap and push him back and lay on top of him

*next day*
Jakes POV
I wake up with Erika fully on top of me. I laugh to myself and tighten a grip on her and kiss the top of her head. I feel her move and then she rolls off of me.

J- morning
E- mmm
J- come on its 10

Erika gets up and we ate breakfast and I went home quickly to get an outfit for the party and then just chilled with Erika . Soon enough it was time to get ready for the party. I got off the couch and put my hand out for Erika to grab and we walked up the stairs. We get into her room and Erika got ready in her closet and I changed in her room. I put on black jeans and a long T-shirt. Erika walks out with jeans and shirt.

J- you look good
E- thanks. You look okay *smiles*
J- *smiles* hey

She sits down at the vanity and does her hair and makeup while I pace around the room thinking about all the things that could go wrong. Soon erika was done and we walk to my car and drive to a teammates house. We get there and I tell erika to go in first and go into the kitchen. I wait a couple minutes and then head in my myself. I get a lot of people dapping me up. I make my way to the kitchen and see Erika chanthony Tessa and rocky all together. I grab a drink and head into the living room and see cole and Zach and a lot more people. I talk to a couple teammates for a couple hours and then I go into the kitchen to see Erika with everyone else. I grab a water and smile at her. I walk to the stairs and talk to people there and Olivia shows up and starts to talk to me

O- hey Jake
J- sup
O- what's new
J- nothing much
O- want to continue the time that we had last time
J- I'm okay and that was a mistake I was drunk
O- are you drunk now
J- no
O- well let's get some drinks in you so we can all have a fun time
J- I'm okay really. Why don't you you go find another man to fuck
O- wow what a dick

I continue to talk to everyone. I feel my phone vibrate in my phone and check the time 2:34am and then I see that Erika texted me. I open my phone and look at what she said

E- Jake?
J- yeah
E- can we go?
J- yeah of course meet me at the car.

I dap everyone up and walk out the door. I make my way out the door and then to the car to see Erika standing there. I unlock the car and she gets in and then I do to.

J- you okay?
E- yeah
J- okay good

I reach over and turn her face to me and I kiss her. I put my hand on her thigh and we drive to her house.we get there and I walk her to the door

J- your going to be fine,right?
E- yea text me when you get home
J- I will

I pull her in for a hug and then a kiss. I hop into my car and then go home. I get there and my mom is on the couch watching tv. It's weird because she would be in bed by now. I walk closer to her

J- heeey mom
P- hey honey do you know where Logan is
J- well I saw him at the party. Why what's up
P- well his father wants him to work with him since he isn't doing anything at school. So he will be moving and not going to school anymore
J- interesting. Okay imma go to bed

I run up the stairs yo to my room and plop on the bed and text erika

J- Babe I'm home
E- night
J- night

*next day*
Erika's POV
I wake up and make my way to school with 20 minutes to spare. I meet up with the girls after going to my locker.

Jakes POV
I make my way to school and go to my locker and pull out my varsity jacket and slip it on and meet up with chanthony who have there's on too. And I soon as I get there chance wants to play scrap

C- let's play scrap
J- fine your it then
An- Jake go that way and I'll go this way

I sprit the way tony told me to. I stay in a corner for a couple minutes. Then I see chance. I run to the left down the hall getting through all the kids. On my way I see tony and he laughs at me. I turn back to see chance on tony. So now I'm the only one left. I run in a circle and I see Erika with her friends and I start to slow down and I wink at her she smiles at me. I then look forward and see chance. So I stop and look behind and tony is there. We all smile at each other. The halls are clearing up because the bell will ring soon.

C- jakey no girl to protect you now
J- I guess so *laughs*

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