Chapter 52

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Jakes POV
I wake up at 2:05pm. I unlock my phone and see I have a bunch of texts. I check the texts from my mom

P- take Advil and there is some food in the fridge for you I'm working all day till tomorrow at 5am
J- K thanks mom

Then one from Logan

L- hey buddy haven't heard from you in a long time. Mom told me what happened you did a good job. Get better bud
J- thanks Logan

And finally my beautiful girlfriend

E- what were you doing outside that late
J- I couldn't sleep

After few minutes she answers back

E- Jake something could have happened
J- I'm fine it's no big deal. Just a little fight couple punches to the face don't stress about it. If I die what's the big deal😂

She left me on seen. When she's mad at me she always leaves me on seen. I get out of bed and I get changed into some shorts and a T-shirt. Tomorrow I get my stitches and staples out. Anyways I walk downstairs and I walk into the backyard and pick a rose from the bush. School ends in 15 minutes and it takes me 10 to get there. So I start my walk to the school. After 10 minutes I get there and I find Erika's Jeep it was near the front of the school. I sit on the hood and I wait. People start to come out as the last bell rings. I see Erika walk out with all the girls And then they all part ways. Erika looks up and she smiles and shakes her head. I jump off and I walk to her. I give her the rose and pull her into a hug.

E- I love you
J- I love you too

We pull apart and walk the little ways to her Jeep.

E- Jake your face is pretty bad
J- it's fine
E- Jake no it's not. Your always getting into fights and I don't like it. It scares me on how aggressive you get and who knows when you can snap at me

She's scared of me. My heart just split into 5 million pieces. Erika starts talking to me about how I should listen to her but I look near the doors and see everyone in a circle. I see chance running and trying to get through. More people start to come. I run from Erika and I push through the crowd. Anthony and max are in there. Max is on top of tony and they both are bloody. I push max off and chance picks up tony and wraps his arms around his as tony tries to get to max. Max gets gets up and goes for me. He throws a punch and I back away and then go behind him and I put him in a lose chokehold


I tightened my grip on him. Chance pulls tony out the crowd.

M- let me go Paul
J- what did you do
M- talk shit
J- of course. About who
M- his girl
J- well are you surprised he came at you
M- yea I thought he was a bitch.
J- once I let you go fuck off and down go near us again

I let go and push his back. He goes forward and he turns and gets me right in the jaw and then one near my lip. I go to jump on him but I get stopped. I get pulled out the circle and the circle tightens around max. I looked back and see Noah and Zach. They both have a grip on my arms. I pull my arms away and I spit the blood out of my mouth. I'm so fucking pissed off this guy is going to get it one day and imma sure as hell kill him. My breathing starts to get heavier. I just realized what happened in there and then what erika said. I turn around and walk into the parking lot headed for the exit. I speed walk in the parking lot. I hear footsteps behind me

E- jake
J- ...
E- Jake
J- ...
E- Jake
E- calm down and just stop for a sec

I stop in my tracks and look at her. My breathing still being heavy and blood coming from my mouth.

E- why what
J- if your so scared of me then why are you with me WHY
E- i love you
J- then why are you scared of me
E- because you always get into fights
J- yeah fights for you
E- what
J- hmm here we go let my name all the fights that happened. I think it was the first or second day of us fake dating max kissed you I fought him. Then the same night I went for a jog and I saw max he was talking shit about you I fought him. The day after that you were late and I saw max grab your wrist and tighten his grip I took him down and I fought him. Then after max touched you after your soccer tryouts I fought him. Then when I came to give you your phone he was gonna touch you and I fought him then last night he was talking about you and I fought him and right now I was protecting my friend and he punched me.
E- are you blaming me
J- well it's not mine fault
E- well you are yelling at me now so maybe I was right about you snapping at me one day
J- well I guess you were right

With that she came up to me and slapped me in my face. I keep my face to the side. She walks way from me and I turn around and make my way home. I'm pissed off. I finally get home And I make my way upstairs. I look around my room and I look at my desk and with my casted arm I swipe everything off. I start to hit the desk


it starts to split and I just keep going at it until it's split in the middle and broken to the ground. I go to my tv and punch it. I look around my room and see my truck keys and a idea pops up. I go into my closet and grab a gym bag and I fill it with shirts and pants. I walk out into room and take the picture of me and Erika off the shelf and I put it in the bag. I put on my running shoes and I grab my keys and head downstairs. I leave out the door and into my truck. I head to Anthony house. Once I get there I knock on his door and his mom answers. She tells me he is upstairs. I head up and I open his door.

An- what's up
J- pack your bags

He asks no questions and does it. He fills his gym bag up and we leave. Next I head to chances. Everyone's car is here including Erika's. I knock and his dad answers and tells me and tony they are in the backyard.

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