Wait, What?

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~ Kaito POV ~

Miku's back.


We're at her new house to trash it. Rin, Len, Luka, Meiko, Gakupo and Teto are with me. She was always bossy and bratty, just because she had a rich family and got her own way all the time.

I can't believe I dated her.

I remeber my argument with Dell - I'd forgotten he was the sole person who liked her.

"Miku, get out of here! Nobody likes you!"

Rin was yelling at Miku, while Len used his icy death glare on her. Miku had been at the end of the corridor, her eyes brimming with tears. I'd broken up with her a few weeks ago, and we hadn't spoke since. I could see Dell a few feet away from Len and Rin; he looked annoyed.

"Rin, why don't you shut your mouth?"

Everything went quiet when the usually-quiet boy spoke up. He glared at Len and Rin; his bright red eyes glinting with annoyance.

I felt strangely angry at him. He hadn't done anything to me, but Rin was a close friend of mine and I couldn't stand him talking to her like that.

"What are you doing here, Honne?"

"I only go to school here idiot."

"Why are you concerning yourself with minor beings Mister Holier-Than-Thou?"

Rin and Len giggled and turned to face Dell to see his reaction.

"Oh, don't strain yourself too much, Shion. Might hurt that tiny brain of yours."

"Why don't you back out and get lost?"

"So you enjoy watching people bully defenseless people?"

"It's not bullying."

"Yes, it is bullying. You three, Kamui and that annoying brunette do this to her everyday. I've seen you do it. In Music, Meiko hit her with the guitar 'accidentally'. In Maths, Rin threw that metal ruler at her. In PE, Len kept running in front of her so he could hit her with that racket. I saw what him and Rin were doing. They were timing their shots to work like that. In History, who was it who stabbed her with a pencil and kicked her till she bled? Oh yes, Meiko Sakine. Wake up Kaito. You're not fooling anyone."

"Dell, isn't talking about people behind their backs mean?"

Meiko's smooth voice came from behind him, and she smirked at him.

"It's not half as mean as what you are."

I watched Meiko frown at him and narrow her red eyes.

"Really? What a shame you have no proof. Better luck next time, Dell Honne."

With that she walked away, and he walked towards me.

"Stay away from Miku, and I'll leave you alone."


~ Neru POV ~


I looked up from my phone to see Miku frowning down at me.

"What did I miss?"

"Nothing. But everything that you were meant to take upstairs three hours ago is still down here, and I doubt your parents will be too happy about that."

I shrugged and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. If they were really bothered, they'd stop nagging me and do it themselves."

Miku sighed and walked off. I looked back down to my phone and scrolled through my countless messages. A little light glowed green, marking a new message. Ugh, why does everyone want me today? Seriously, stop nagging me! I was already talking to Chihaya and Ritsu - I could do without another person demanding my attention.  I know I'm popular, but sometimes popularity is difficult.


My mother's whiny voice filled the house, and I groaned. Putting down my phone, I walked outside, cursing under my breath. Why doesn't she do it if it bothers her so much? I can't wait till she hires a new maid. My life will be so much easier.

I walked down the long, winding drive to the pavement, where the removal van was still parked up, and three men moving boxes out of it. I found the ones labelled NERU AKITA and took some of the lighter-looking ones.

I didn't care much for carrying boxes around - I'm not here to do hard labour for crying out loud! I'm literally a princess, and yet I have to do hard labour?

"Hey, blondie! Over here!"

I snapped around to see a tall, blue-haired guy staring at me.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Who I am doesn't matter. What I want does - do you know where Miku Hatsune and her family are moving in?"

"Yes, I do. Here."

"So then who are you?"

"Neru Akita."


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