I Can't...

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~ Miku POV ~

I can't believe it.

Some random blue-haired guy on my drive...

With Neru...


"Neru? You have a boyfriend?"

"What?! No!"

Neru glared at me and the boy looked at me with a curious expression.

"Miku? You don't remember me?"

There was hurt and a little sadness in his voice - but how did he know my name? I had never met this guy...

"No, she doesn't, and I doubt she should. Now get lost you freakzoid!"

Neru's icy voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I smiled apologetically at the boy as he walked off, his head hung.

~ Kaito POV ~

It's so obvious now.

What's wrong with me?

I seriously need to find out.

I don't hate Miku, and I never have. I realise now.

While she was gone, we forgot who she really is.

Really she's a kind, friendly and loving girl.

But we forgot her true personality and made our own up to try and make us remember her. And we convinced ourselves we hated her.

I could kill myself.

"Guys, we're going home."


~ Meiko POV ~

What does he mean, going home? I glared up at him while Len yelled.

"We ain't going home! We just got here! We didn't get to trash anything!"

Kaito sighed and walked off. He looked so sad - his eyes were glazed over and his head hung. I ran after him and lightly tapped his shoulder.

"Kaito-kun? What's wrong?"

"We were wrong, Meiko. So wrong."

My heart twisted in worry.

"What do you mean Kaito?"

"Miku isn't a bad person. We convinced ourselves to think she was to make us feel better about losing her. Now we're the horrid people for attempting to do what we did."

I stared at Kaito in surprise.

"W-What do you mean?"

"We...we were wrong."

We continued walking in silence, and I couldn't think of anything to say to make him feel better.

"Kaito...it's not your fault...it's all of our fault. We're all guilty Kaito..."

"Yes I am! I dragged you all out here today - it was my idea to wreck it for her! I'm an awful person!"

I couldn't think of anything to say to him, so I walked by his side in silence. I could tell he was thinking hard over what to do, then he stopped abruptly.

"I have to go back Meiko. I need to apologise for what I tried to do."

Before I could answer, he turned and walked off in the opposite direction. I stared after him with my mouth wide open.



~ Kaito POV ~

I feel terrible. I can't believe I would do this to her, and trick my mind into believing she was mean. Mikuo had been like this, always bratty and arrogant, but Miku was kind and caring. But why were Rin and Len mad with her that day we argued with Dell and Miku?

Dell and Miku...

Dell and Miku...

Something sounded familiar about those two names together...

I was at the door of the Hatsune and blonde haired girl's -  Neru was it? -  new house. My throat was dry as I lifted a hand to press the doorbell. I didn't hear it ring - I was too terrified of what might happen.

"Hello? Kaito, right?"

I looked up to see Miku smiling at me, her teal eyes filled with warmth and...was that curiousity?

"I...Hi Miku...listen...errr...I..."

My voice sounded strange in my own ears,  and my head spun.

"Kaito? Kaito! Are you OK?"

Everything was spinning and I felt sick and dizzy. I heard Miku yell my name before I fell to the floor and everything turned black.

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