Finals: Haley Cullow

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I had almost made it.  Could I believe it? No, but what did that matter. I looked around in the  deserted and devastated city and sighed. I had stayed alive through  crumbling mountains, blizzards and twisting mountains, I could handle a  deserted city. I thought. And I hoped. I for the first time in ages, I  grabbed my locket  and opened it.

I saw the picture of my  family, my older sister Mariah and my father. Even he was smiling.  Mariah, it had been ages since I had thought of Mariah.  She was two  years older than me, so she had gone through two reapings more than I  did. She taught me everything , from how to casually steal so others  won't notice, how to live through reapings and how to survive.

I needed to win, for  her. And for dad. I'd show them I'm not the little Hayley anymore,  'cause if I come out of here alive, I'm a victor. But on the other hand,  I am still standing in a devastated city and the closest I could get to  home now, was my fantasy.

I started searching  others (because I couldn't really think of something else to do in a  deserted city, I mean it's deserted and devastated) and I ran a bit  through the  ruins and stones. Gosh, this was like impossible to get  through. Suddenly, I tripped over a stone and fell down on the ground.  The blood flowed out of the wound. You got to be kidding me! The finale  and I am so stupid to trip over a rock?

I tore my sleeve of my  shirt and wrapped it round my leg. I stood up again (thank god it looked  worse than it felt) and ran as fast as I can. Nothing or nobody was  going to exclude Hayley Cullow from this games. I Needed To Win and I'd  give all I have.

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