Queen Bee (Roman)

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One fine day after being annoyed with the mortals taking away honey hive, the queen of the hive decides to visit Jupiter.

When reaching the Olympus, the queen offers fresh honey to Jupiter. Delighted by the taste of the honey Jupiter promises her, that he will fulfil one wish of hers.

She told him, her wish, him by saying, "Give me, I pray thee, a sting, which if any mortal approaches to take my honey, I may kill him."

Displeased by her act because he has love for the human race. He did grant her the wish but at the cost of her own life.

He said, " For if you use your sting, it shall remain in the wound you make, and then you will die from the loss of it."


Date - 5(M)/8(D)/19(Y)

Next story will come out soon

This story can be told in many ways so please don't say "that's not how it happened" because there is different types of stories when it comes to mythology

Source-https://www.ancienthistorylists.com/rome-history/top-10-interesting-roman-mythology/ (i basically reworded it, because it was so well Explained)

Art- https://www.google.com/search?q=honeycomb&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjl8deV8oviAhUPJKwKHW_OD14Q2-cCegQIABAB&oq=honey+com&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.1.0.0i10j0l4.13031.18532..19484...2.0..0.83.720.10......0....1.........0i67.qfrMbRJVmvo&ei=zcXSXKXXCo_IsAXvnL_wBQ&bih=612&biw=412&client=ms-android-americamovil-us-revc&prmd=isvn&hl=en#imgrc=98xg_6TsMcIDHM

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