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  • Dedicated to sarah mcdonald

Ember. My name is Ember.

I awoke screaming, lying down on a metal grate. All I could see was a flashing red light and a wall approaching faster and faster. I threw my arm out, trying to grab for something, anything, and hit flesh. This ensued more screaming, but now it was multiple people. Apparently there were ​more panicked teenagers who didn't know what was going on. Wonderful. Everyone in the box all scrambled around, grabbing at boxes and rope, random crap that was in the steel box that had us hurdling toward the ceiling. A giant lurch sent us all flying, smacking my head into a corner of a crate. I lay on the ground, swaying in and out of consciousness. As I struggled to stay awake, I pushed myself against the wall, curling up behind a box.

What have you gotten yourself into, Ember?


I woke up once more, but I wasn't screaming this time. Instead, I was laying down on a bed that felt like it was made of wood, and with closer inspection, I discovered it was. The room I had been placed in by who knows who was also made of wood, and was stifling hot. I sat up, trying to get a better view of where I was, but a pounding in my head pushed me back down. I felt so incredibly helpless.

Where was I?

I gave myself sometime to just go over the details of what had happened to me.

Okay. I woke in a metal box, hurdling at a ceiling at probably 10 million miles and hour. I accidentally hit somebody, so I know I wasn't in there alone. We were all panicking, I hit my head on a box, and then I must've hit my head on something and blacked out. I don't know who took me out, or where those other people went, or where I am, but that's what happened.

I took a deep breath, registering all the information. I needed to know where I was, but unfortunately my head was disabling common sense. I didn't know what to do. I felt like I had been drugged, I couldn't see properly, and I was panicking. I shrank back into the thin blankets that I was curled up in, welcoming the familiar feeling. I let my eyes close as my head pounded.

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