Lab Rat

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I woke up, panting and sweating. A white room was surrounding me, and the area smelled of rubbing alcohol. I sat up, and wondered where I was. This was no where in the Glade that I could be right now, unless the Creators added another building. Confused, I tried to stand up. A shooting pain in my side told me that wasn't going to happen for a very long time.

"What the actual hell?"

The room had no door that I could see from my crippled position on the floor, and I started to panic.

"Newt? Alby? Minho?"

My eyes roamed the room, and I looked for a way out.


A small crack appeared in the wall, and I breathed out. They were coming. The feeling came back the second a man stepped in wearing a white suit, pristine and all sharp edges. He had a slightly greying beard, and a huge nose. Ew. He kinda looked like a rat.

"Hello, Ember. You are probably very confused right now. I tell you now, I will not harm you. But, we must test on you. You are the first to survive the sting of our mechanical wonders, and we would like to know why."

I stared in disbelief. Did he really think that I was going to not worry about the fact that I woke up somewhere that I didn't know, without my best friends, and now meeting a strange man, who tells me to calm down? I will not cALM DOWN!

"Who the shuck are you?"
"My name is Janson. You are in W.I.C.K.E.D headquarters, and that is all you need to know. You will now be escorted to a room with a puzzle. Your job is to solve it before our expertize, Thomas."
"No. Send me back to the Glade, or I won't do it."
"Well then We leave you no choice."

I barely had time to react, when he pulled out a small purple syringe and injected it into my neck. The room spun and went dark as I tried to struggle, but failed. My last thought?

I am going to die.


Waking up in another room was pretty bad, but being chained to a chair was worse. There was a peice of paper and a pen in front of me, with a boy facing me. He had the same materials, and was looking at me expectantly, waiting, no, daring, me to talk. I gave him my hardest glare, and cleared my throat.

"Who are you? And, might I ask, where am I?"

He chuckled, and shook his head.

"Thomas. And I don't think I can tell you."
"Well then Thomas, what are we doing?"

I was keeping my best deamenor on, trying not to rip his obnxious vocal cords out. He was like, 12! He acted like he knew exactly everything about me.

"I can tell you one thing."

He bent forward, as if telling me the biggest secret ever.

"If you beat me, you get to go back to the Glade."

I looked at his face hard, and could tell that he was telling the truth. I nodded, and looked at the paper. It had a riddle on it, and my guess is that we had to solve it.

"Why do we have to solve this? How is it relevent?"
"We are supposed to be geniuses. So, they are proving that or something."
"Why are they testing only me? Why not any of the boys?"
"We test them before the go in the trial. You were sent in too early."

A green light flickered on, and Thomas picked up his pen. Momentarily confused, I grabbed the pen.

A horse is tied to a 15 feet rope. The hay is 25 feet away. How will the horse eat the hay?

I pondered for a second, then the answer sprang to me. The horse isn't tied to anything! I wrote down my answer, and sprang up, but the chains held me in place.

"Ha! Send me back to the Glade!"

Thomas looked up, defeated.

"Fine. Give me a minute."

He walked out of the room, and I sat back in my chair, satisfied. They had to send me back, they couldn't just lie to me. An orderly looking women walked in, nodding her head and slow clapping.

"Looks like we did find geniuses. Record time, really, and the only boy that beat you is Galileo. He is smarter than most, don't worry. We will send you back to the Glade, but we would like you to solve another riddle. This time you will be competing against a girl. Teresa?"

The last word was directed at the door, and a petite-framed girl walked in. She smiled at me, and the woman walked out. The girl, Teresa, looked at me like I was a celebrity of sorts. In somewhat of an awe-filled daze, she shook her head. The look cleared from her face, and she picked up the pen. Somehow another riddle had shown, with no trace of my old answer. I studied the words, but they made no sence. I watched in horror as the small girl placed the pen down and set her hands in her chin. She shrugged at me, and whispered something.


The woman walked back in, nodding her head, but not clapping. She gave Teresa a look, and she scurried out of the room. I felt bad for her, it was aviously a terrible place to live. She faced me, and set her hands behind her back.

"Since you did fail, there will be consequenses. Weather they are bad or not, well, that is up to you. You will be sent back to the Maze, but with no memories. Start afresh. You might not even remeber your precious little boyfriend."

I struggled to get out of the chair, but the chains held fast.

"You can't do this! It's not fair!"

She smirked slightly as she pulled that stupid purple syringe out of her coat pocket.

"Oh but Ember, we can. You are ours."

The world went dark too fast, and the last thing I remeber is a loud ringing in my ears.

{whats up sorry updates have been coming a little slower. the picture is random, idek.}

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