Fancy Seeing You Here

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and heyyyy with the next chapter I think there is gonna be a picture of meee *wiggles eyebrows*


I widened my eyes and tripped turning around. Alby's face had a vein popping out of his forehead. I could tell he was furious with me, losing someone that wasn't in his right mind. I picked myself up and ran out, grabbing Chuck as I looked over my shoulder. Once I was safe inside the metal protection of the MedJack House, I looked in his eyes. He looked scared, almost weirded out.

"Where did he go!?!"

Chuck stared at me, almost baffled. It was clear that he didn't understand who I was asking for, let alone why I was screaming at him and clutching onto his arm like it was my lifeline.

"Ben, you shuck-face!"

The look cleared off of his face, and worry came over him.

"I left him with you, right? I didn't leave him alone, right?"

The intense worry that was making his eyebrows one made me chuckle. Almost. There was still a person on the loose, who could possibly injure someone.

"Yes, I had him when you left. I was just wondering if you knew where he was!"
"I haven't seen him since."

I shook my head, close to losing it. I needed to find this boy! Screw other people getting hurt, he might do something to himself! I ran my fingers through my hair impaintenly. The last thing I needed was someone's death on my conscience. The. Last. Thing.

"Can you help me find him?"

He stumbled out the door, tripping over his feet like a drunk. I looked around the room for a second, making sure Ben hadn't taken any needles or sharp objects. After confirming that to myself, I ran out the door and did a quick scan of the Glade. I didn't see any crazed, insane people running around, so I took off running to the nearest Glader, which was Zart. He looked confused as I dashed up to him, probably sweaty and red-faced.

"Have you seen Ben?"

A look of panic crossed his face, and I knew he knew the exact situation Ben was in, because of his current position of Keeper of the TrackHoes. He shook his head and I groaned as I ran off, looking for another keeper. I had just spotted Winston when I heard a blood-curdling scream that made every Glader turn his head. A very frightened Greenie ran out of the woods, with Ben chasing him and somehow, Ben had a blade. He must have taken it from somewhere else, because it wasn't my clean, doctor knives, it was a ragged thing, missing half of it, leaving it looking ten thousand more dangerous than it was. The bloody greenie tripped, sending him tumbling down a small hill, Ben following his lead. My legs were carrying me faster than they usually did, making me fly across the Glade. It was a bloody, horrific scene, with Ben bleeding and rolling on Thomas, thankfully not managing to stab him just yet. Newt got there before I did, slamming Ben in the head with a rake. Thomas got out of the death grip he had been in and looked at Ben with wide, terrified eyes. A crowd gathered around both boys, Alby the head. He had murder in his eyes, and he looked for me, I could tell. I started edging my way back to the MedJack House, knowing I would be blamed for this, because I let him escape. He caught my eye, and beckoned me over in such a vile way, I was scared to even think about what he would do. I smiled sheepishly.

"Fancy seeing you here."

To my surprise, he smiled grimly, and motioned toward Thomas.

"Just take the shank to the MedJack house, and get him patched up. We will talk about this later, when I don't feel like killing you."

I nodded, eyes wide, and motioned for Clint and Jeff to help me pick Thomas. I didn't care to see Alby anymore:

{sorry this is so short and crappy, I just got back from a 5 HOUR AUDITION those shouldn't be legal and plus I have callbacks from 2-10 tomorrow. help meeee. anyway, hope yall are having a great day}

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