"I Swear It."

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  • Dedicated to the cool cats who read my story alot

I shook my head in disbelief, not wanting this to be real. It was night, and I was stuck in the maze. I sank against the wall, and cried. Maybe the grivers wouldn’t come tonight. Maybe they didn’t come this way. Maybe I could… The griever glass! I could go there! I stood up, having some hope. I ran in the general direction, but not knowing anything about the maze. Eventually, I was winded. I couldn’t run anymore. It wasn’t possible. I was leaning on the wall, catching my breath, when I saw some light. Like a fire. Then I saw it. The griver glass! I ran up to it, and saw Rudy sitting cross legged in front of it, holding a lamp. He saw me, and his eyes widened to saucers. I smiled at him, and he got up, held up one finger, and ran. I waited patiently, saw Newt, Alby, Minho, and Rudy running towards me. Newt saw me, and nearly tripped over himself and flung his body onto the glass. I put my hand on it, and he matched mine. He tried mouthing something, but I couldn’t tell.




He looked at me with pleading eyes, and mouthed it again. This time I understood.


“Be safe.”


I bit my lip to keep from crying.


“I swear it.”


He nodded, looking into my eyes. We just stared for awhile, memorizing every little inch. Eventually, Minho pushed him out of the way. He looked at me, and saluted. ‘Goodbye, our brave soldier,’ he seemed be saying. I saluted back, and we grinned. This was our friendship, basically. Alby smiled, and nodded at me. I nodded back. He backed away, and Newt sat down again, and we just stared. I noticed things I had never noticed, like the fact that even though we were 15ish, we all had scars of the battle we were going through, somewhere. Newt had permanent bags, looking like he needed a 10 year nap. Minho had a sag to him, of defeat, almost. I knew he wouldn’t give up, but there was an air to him. Alby had lines. So many lines. Frown lines, tired lines, laugh lines, and grouch lines. It comforted me that these would be the last people I would see before I got out. They would propel me through this horrific night in the maze. After a while of this pleasantry, I heard a sound that made the blood drain out of my face.


Click, click, whirrr.


I looked panicked at Newt, and he shook his head.


“I’m sorry!”


Minho bit his lip and faced away from me, pulling Newt away by the shoulder. Newt banged his hand against the glass, and it looked like he was screaming his vocal chords out. I forced my gaze away, and ran in the other direction. Soon, I was alone with that haunting noise. It was following me, and I couldn’t escape it. Eventually, I saw it. It was huge, and slimy, and loud. My worst nightmare came true as I turned and ran worth all my might. I pushed myself as hard as I could, feeling all the adrenaline in my body come alive, tracing white hot fingers down my body.


“Don’t stop running! You can do this! Don’t let the bastard win!”


Somehow there was energy to tell myself the encouraging words. I really thought I could get away. I really did. But, alas, I was not a runner, and I did not know the maze. I ran face first into a wall, and tripped. I scrambled to get up, but I couldn’t do it. I simply had no energy left. I watched frantically as it came towards me. The last thing I remember was a sharp pain in my side, and a sound so deafening, I would remember it for the rest of my life.

Click, Click, Whir.   

{heheheheheheheheh you dont know whats gonna happennnn and i doooo hehehehehehe}

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