So That's What Happened

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Memory after memory. Hitting me, punching me, slapping me, knocking me over. I stumbled backward as I remembered Newt, and Minho, and the other people. Sean, and the whole incident, secretly being with Newt, joking around with Minho, showing Rudy off. Getting my picture and realizing I knew the girl. My lips parted and made a strangled noise and sucked in air. I ruined people's life, made others, and was the center of others. I was a caring person, a MedJack, a scarred person, and most importantly, a person in love with Newt. Of course I totally ruined it by coming up that stupid box and not knowing anyone. I shakily stood up and took deep, shuddering, breaths. I ran my hands through my tangled hair and closed my eyes. And just as I was regaining posture and breathing routines, a memory I hadn't made in the Glade came over me.
~ • ~
"God Gally, get away from me!"

Again, I was in the corner of a room, immobilized. It was a large, spotless room, with about 15 kids. I recognized them as people from the Glade. There was Newt and I, and Alby and Minho. We were wearing the same clothing from before. I was running away from Gally, and he tackled me to the ground. He pinned me down and was making faces and getting closer to my face as I looked away, desperately trying to squirm out. As I looked away because I knew that he was... ya know... a blonde blur came speeding at him and knocked him over.

"Not Ember, Gally. You know the rules."

Newt helped me up as Minho raced towards me. They brushed me off and was making sure that I was ok as Alby chastised Gally. It was clear that he was the leader, even when we were little. As I looked more carefully, I could see that we were about 12ish. Newt nodded at Minho and took my hand and walked me out of the room. I was suddenly transferred to a different room, the next room, a small clinic. I sat on the table and touched my knee with a wince. The tights were ripped and my skin was bubbling. Newt held a cotton ball to the cut and I clenched my teeth and gripped his hand.

"You ok?"
"Yeah. Gally is just a rude loser."
"Duh. Have you met the piece of meat?"

The younger me giggled, and I could tell that we had small crushes on each other. Newt looked at me, and smiled.

"You remember our names, right?"

I looked around, and when it was clear that no one was around, I nodded and whispered them out.

"Thomas and Jordyn. Duh."

We giggled, and then I faded into reality. I woke up on the floor, lying down. My head was pounding, and it was clear I needed water, but I had a strange desire to laugh. I was remembering. Sure, it wasn't our parents, but I had a name. A real name. And that was enough for me. I got up and ran outside, finding Newt. He looked surprised as I nearly tackled him, and hugged him.

"I remember, Newt. I remember everything."

{hey so I decided to do a face reveal at 10k, and I've had this planned for a while, but I didn't want to seem selfish, ya know? It seems more attainable, what with my ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL AND PERFECT 7K ILY GUYS❤ I honestly never thought I would get here, and yet here I am. I know some people (most) have WAYYY more, but I am so blessed and happy with my reads and votes. Thanks! }

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