Um... Oops?

933 23 7

im5 is amazing and i am soooo sad about will he was my favourite😭😭

The noiseeeee.

It was tearing my skull apart.

Every hour, ON the hour, Ben would lose his shucking mind and scream his lungs out. Of coure Clint and Jeff were a help, getting cloths and keeping him fed and all, but they didn't have it in their veins. Like I. Changing sheets, keeping him cool, making sure no other disease entered his body, it was hard work. I barely had time to eat, and at one point my meal was delivered with Ben's. I was never lonley, never bored, though. All of the boys (minus Gally) came to see me, talking about the Glade. My favorite visitor was Chuck, listening to his imagination, always on over-drive. Newt came by when he could and we sat in awkward silence. Now that I could remember, we didn't know what to do. It didn't feel the same, the love almost- absent. It was weird, but nice. We could talk as friends without any lovey-dovey tension. Minho would come after the maze and tell me all these crazy adventures that probably didn't happen, like getting chased by Griever's, and attacked by swarms of Beetle Blades, and almost falling off of cliffs. They were all amusing, as I ran around, trying to keep Ben alive. Today the Greenie would come up, and I would miss it. I knew, because Ben was in the critical stages. He would walk and talk, but he wasn't mentally right yet.

"And then, my parents would take me home and-"
"Chuck! The greenie alarm!"
"Oh! Are you... coming?"
"I don't think Ben will hold up without me. Go ahead, and toughen the greenie up for me."

He smiled at me and ran out of the room. I mopped sweat off of Ben's forehead and blew at my bangs out of boredom. I heard shouts and whoops coming from outside and wondered what was happening. I peeked out of the window, and saw a boy I didn't recognise hitting the ground, scrambling back in fear. Gally and Newt loomed over him, and I could see why he looked terrified. I woke up to a bunch of panicked boys, and he wakes up to controlled, muscular, men. Anyone would klunk their pants. I chuckled and shook my head, looking back at Ben. He looked quite peaceful, not stirring, and his breathing was totally normal.

I guess I could leave him for a little bit.

I walked outside, whistling an unknown tune. The Glade had gone back to normal, what with everyone doing their assigned jobs. I didn't see Chuck, so I walked up to Alby. Alby didn't realise it, but it was awkward between us too. I remembered everything, and that included Alby confessing that he likes me, when Newt and him were going at it with each other. The tension wasn't really there, but I felt it. It was a one-sided battle that I was totally losing.

"Who's the newbie?"

He looked up, surprised to see me.

"Aren't you supposed to be watching Ben?"
"Ehh. He's asleep."
"Ember, I swear. If something happens..."
"Lighten up. Again. Greenbean?"
"Name's Thomas. Same as everyone, not remembering anything."

I nod and he gets back to work, clearly dismissing me. I walk to the tree I spent my first day at, fond of the memories. As I near, I stop. I hear them before I see them, but it's definitely Chuck. And the new kid. I looked at him, studying him. He was good looking, a definite change from most. I broke through the trees, startling both.

"Chuck, I need your help back at the MedJack House."

He nodded and shifted his eyes between us. The Greenbean looked at me with curiosity, ogling at me. I forgot that I was the only girl in the glade, often.

"Take a picture, Thomas. It lasts longer."

He looked shocked, and I was pleased. I loved keeping the shock factor in play. I wanted everyone to remember me as the Girl who Shocked the World. (Or glade.)

"Meet me at dinner. We are having Greenbeans."

I turned, not saying another word. The color drained out of his face, and I had to stifle a laugh. I walked back to the House, giggling all the way to Ben's room. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the biggest shock of the century.

Ben was missing.

I ran outside, in a panic.


He ran out of the Homestead, eyes blazing.


I swallowed and looked down. For the first time, I realised it was my fault. I shouldn't have left.

"It's... Ben. He's..."
"He's gone."

{hey dere >•< almost 10k guys!!! and yes, i actually am writing a danisnotonfire fanfiction, it's going to be called Unfinished. teeeeeeheeeeee}

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