Chapter Thirteen : Honesty Is A Virtue

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That is all I can say.

I told them all about my encounter with Mr. Cre - I mean Midamar.

"And then I stabbed him."

Uncle yukio was biting his nails neverously.

"Yuki, you just stabbed one of the most dangerous demons in the field. Midamar, the demon king of poison. That's why your arm was so infected. If we had been just a minute late, you would've died. "

"But I didn't?"

"That doesn't excuse your actions, you should've come straight to us. "

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Now get up, you're still going to do cram school today."

"I almost die and what do you do?

Tell me to go to school! No care package, no stuffed animals, no-"

"Exceptions. " he finished for me.


I got up and went to the desk in the very back and sat down.

Then class started.

I looked around to see Renzo wasn't here. Hm.

I wonder where he is?

Uncle yukio then started talking all about anti-demon pharmaceuticals.

Strangely which, I found very interesting. I never found anything in class interesting. But for some reason I toke my notes diligently.

Did that demon give me some kind of studying disease!

Oh god I hope not.

Once class was over I ran out and looked at my wristwatch to see it was 7:49.

Almost eight o'clock.

I went to the garden which had become my sort of sanctuary.

Eight o'clock. That's when Renzo's coming to pick me up.

But I never told him where!

How will he find me?

Then I heard a noise behind me.

If this is Mr. Creepy again I'm going to torture him.

I turned around only to see it was Renzo.

"How did you find me?"

"I've noticed you come here alot. "

"Why weren't you in class today?"

"I had some stuff to do."

He smiled and walked towards me.

"Come with me." he said.

I held his hand and we walked all the way to this park.

"I heard about this new band that would be performing here tonight and decided to get tickets. The reason I didn't go to cram school is because I spent an hour waiting for tickets."

He waited that long for me?

We went inside the park and Renzo handed two tickets to ticket handler.

We made our way to the crowd gathered around the small outdoor stage and the band started playing.

The first song was loud and brash.

I had started headbanging to it and ended smacking into Renzo, which lead to the worst blush ever.

The second song was more calmer and I almost fell asleep.

The third and last song was a slow song. Renzo tried dancing with me to it but kept stepping on my feet.

After the short concert, Renzo and me walked home together.

"Favorite color?" I asked.

"Red. "

"Mines blue. Favorite song? "

"Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones. You? "

"Animal I Have Become By Three Days Grace."

We started to get closer too my dorm and then he took my hand.

"You know Yuki, tonight was really fun and I was wondering if you ever wanted to do something like this again sometime?"

"Yeah. I think I would."

Then I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran inside.

I was grinning like an idiot.

Dad looked at me.

"What put you in such a good mood?" he said.

"You wouldn't want to know." I said.

"That only makes me want to know more, tell me."

"Well.... How would you feel if I ever said I had a boyfriend?"

"I would feel very angry."

"I think I might have a boyfriend."

"Who is he? What's his name? Where does he live? What does he like to eat? Does he have good grades? What's his social security number? How old is he? Where can I find him? "

"Uhh... His name is Renzo."

Dad suddenly looked enraged.

"Him! Anyone but him! He likes to play around with girls and I don't trust him. "

"Dad, please."

"When you get you're heart broken Yuki, come crying to me because then I will kill him."

"Dad! "

"But until then, I will not kill him, no matter how much I want too. "

"Thanks, I think."

Dad hugged me then and I went upstairs to my bedroom and kuro came into the room.

"Hey Yuki."

"Hey kuro."

"I heard you have a boyfriend now. "

"I guess so. "

"Are you happy?"

"Yes, but I feel as though I'm missing something."

"What are you missing? "

"Honesty. I have the strangest feeling that Renzo's keeping something from me."

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