Chapter Six : One Bullet To The Soul

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(Yuki's pov)

After I run away from the angry sushi mob I found myself, dad and mom all at school.

"Really, this is the last place I wanted to be right now! " I said.

"You still have to go to school. " mom said nicely, trying and failing to make the situation better.

"It's just, I'm not a school person. Can't I take a sick day? I just got back from almost dying and time traveling! "

"Nope. " dad said.

I crossed my arms and hmped.

What am I gonna do?

Everyone thinks I'm dead and I'm just gonna waltz in there like, nope false alarm, Yuki's still alive over here!

All I keep thinking is, this is gonna be a diaster.

Dad uses his werid magic key and opens a random door and we walk into the hallway of the cram school.

"Can't we just kill me now and make the rumors true? " I pleaded.

"Come on, Yuki." dad said.

I ran back to the door we came in through and began banging my fists against it.

"No, you'll never take me alive!!! " I screamed.

I turned around only to met with a blue flaming fireball coming straight towards me.

I quickly ducked and it hit the door behind me.

I looked at dad and saw he was laughing.

Then mom started laughing too.

"You think this is funny?!?" I screeched.

I ran at dad knocking him over.

He still kept laughing.

"It's not that funny! " I screamed.

I got up and shook off the non existent dust.

Both of them were still laughing.

"It's not funny..." I said.

Then I giggled a little.

That giggle soon turned into a full fledged snort fest.

Not my best moment people.

You can look away now.

I soon stopped laughing though and relized I still had to go through another door.

The door with them in it.

I slowly, taking my dear sweet time, walked towards the door.

Mom gave me a worried look.

I reached out for the door knob and turned it.

Then, I opened the door.

When I first walked in , everyone was talking to each other, enjoying themselves. They didn't even realize I was there.

I cleared my throat and everyone looked over and saw me.

And of course, everyone has different reactions to anything.

Bon just stared.

Izumo just cried.

Konekomaru said, "Yuki? "

Renzo looked at me, but he wasn't looking at me.

Yuki was dead.

I was just a ghost in another dream.

Everyone else just lost control of their jaws as they hung open collecting flies.

"Umm... I'm not dead?" I said.

Silence. Even the annoying crickets stopped chirping.

"Okay, I get it. You're absolutely shocked to see me. But I need some signs of life, people. " I said sarcastically.

Izumo was the first to speak.

"Yuki, what happened? "

"I didn't die. Well I sorta did, but not really. Honestly, this whole damn situation is so freaking complicated. All you need to know it that I'm back and I don't plan dying anytime soon. "

Then uncle yukio came into the room.

He dropped his coffee cup and I watched as it slowly fell to the ground, smashing into pieces.

"I'm not cleaning that up... " I muttered to myself.

"Are you a ghost or am I dreaming? " uncle yukio said quietly.

"Is there a third option, cause It's none of the above." I said.

Renzo stepped out from his desk and looked at me.

He stared me right in eyes.

He just looked hurt.

"Yuki, you-just, why?" he said.

"Why, what? " I said confused.

"You come here, get kidnapped and we try to save you. You betray us only to not betray us and then you die. Now, you come back and expect everything to be all bright and cheery? "

"I was going for alive and loved but... "

"No! You can't keep coming back and messing with everyone's emotions and then expect us to take you back! "

"I wasn't trying to mess with anyone's emotions, I swear-"

"But you did. Don't you know what you did do me three months ago? "

"Renzo, look I know I hurt you but-"

"You did hurt me! I'm not gonna lie! You made me care for you and then you turned your back on me and all you have to say is that -"

"I'm sorry, okay! I'm sorry! Don't you get it? In the beginning, the only reason I came here was to see my mom and dad again. Then I met all of you and my family... It grew. And then, trying to protect you I hurt you! I didn't want to lose the family I had just gained. I love all of you and so I'm sorry that... I just couldn't stand seeing you get hurt.

Now I relize, I hurt you. And no matter how many times I say I'm sorry, I can't change that. "

Mom started crying behind me.

Izumo joined in with her.

Bon just looked at me and said, "Leave Yuki, please...just let us try to take this all in. "

I ran out the door and into the hallway, blinking back tears.

I didn't have a key so I just kept running down the seemingly endless hallway until I bumped into someone.

I looked up to see it was Meia.

"I'm so sorry, Yuki. I wasn't able to be here in enough time. I wanted to have helped you but... "

"It's okay, Meia. "

"Yuki, there's something else I have to tell you. "

"What is it?"

"A war's coming. It's coming soon. And if we can't all stick together...we're all gonna die. "

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