Chapter Fifteen : Absolute Defeat

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After a long talk with uncle yukio about how we should not walk out of the house and be gone for an hour, I went to my room.

Shura said she'll give me lessons!

I'm excited yet scared at that.

Then my door slammed open.

"Hey, Yuki!" izumo and paku said at the same time at my door.

"Hey guys... How did you get in my house?"

"The door, duh." izumo said.

"I mean, who let you in. "

"Rin. " paku said.

"We came to see how you were doing." izumo said.

"I guess I'm alright..." I lied badly.

"Tell us the truth, Yuki."

"I've been thinking lately about me being here. Wouldn't I be messing with time? What if I alter the future drastically!"

Paku sat down beside me.

"Enough ifs."

She held my hand.

"Think about the absolutes."

I smiled.

"You're really kind, paku. "

I got up.

"I'm gonna go do my "assigned chores", you guys can come with me if you want."

They shook their heads no.

"Sorry, but I have a test I just remembered I have to study for!" paku said and ran off.

"I just don't wanna help you." izumo said nonchalantly and walked out.

Ok then, I guess I'm on my own. So much for teamwork.

I sighed.

I walked outside and began watering the flowers.

It's so calm here. Like nothing bad could ever happen.

I'm so happy being here, with everyone. Dad and mom. Uncle yukio. I was sad with them gone.

I started to cry.

Oh, come on Yuki! Don't get emotional!

I think today I relized I miss someone else very much.

I miss my blue wolf.

I miss his his voice in my head, telling me jokes when I'm sad. I miss his wise advice. I miss his semi-hugs and the way he made a wolfish smile.

I miss Satan.

And I feel so guilty, because it's him I miss. I traded him for everything I ever wished for. I never realized how impossible my wish was.

My wish includes him too.

I couldn't stop crying now.

Only two people know that he sent me.

What if everyone else found out?

Would they hate me!

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked to see who it was and saw nothing but darkness and then I blacked out.


When I woke up I was nowhere.

Literally nowhere.

No ground, no anything, but me.

"You're wrong about that." I heard a familiar voice say.

A blue wolf appeared in front of me.

Instinct took over and I ran to hug him, but he pushed me away.

"Stay away, vermin. "

The blood rushed out of my face and I choked on my own breath.


"I'm not whoever you remember in those sickening happy memories of yours. I am much stronger than him."

"My memories?"

"You don't miss a beat do you? Did you think just because you traveled through time, your connection with me was broken? I've been in that little head of yours ever since you arrived. I've been studying you, learning all your weaknesses, all of your fears, every secret. I know everything about you."

"Then you know you can change!"

"I can't change! I am not capable of change!"

"You changed for Yuri!"

He jumped back.

The nothingness dissolved into a beautiful field.

There was nothing but amber grass and lushious trees. It was paradise.

I saw a woman in the distance under a tree smiling at the sky.

I ran towards her.

She looked at me and broke out into a grin.

"I never thought I'd meet my grandchild this way when I look back on things. " she said.

I stopped running and stared in awe.

"Y-You look exactly like me!"

She looked like a mirror image of myself, just dressed in a white dress.

"Well, we do share some of the same genes."

"You're my grandmother?"

She smiled and hugged me.

"Yes, Yuki."

"How did I end up here?"

She frowned.

"Satan. I told him to wait. I told him the world we always dreamed of living wouldn't come for a long time, but he's very impatient. He just wants so much in such a short time. He should know very well about the laws of balance!"

"The laws of balance?"

"The laws of balance are certain rules set in place a long time ago by a being you call god. It states that there can be no darkness without light. Just think, if there was only darkness, it wouldn't be darkness because it would be all there was. It, in a way, would not exist. That is why Satan cannot take over both Gehenna and Assiah. If they were both the same, they both would not exist. But in same way no one could kill one of the rulers of each world. Because then nothing would exist. Everything must be kept in balance!"

"So if Satan takes over both Gehenna and Assiah, he will destroy both!"

She nodded her head.

"And if dad ever succeeds in killing him, he will destroy everything!"

"Yes. You must convince both of them to stop."

"Or everything ends? "

"If the laws of balance are broken, then all should be an absolute defeat. You are the only one who can stop that from happening."

"That's a lot to put on a girls shoulders... "

"But you don't truly doubt yourself."

I smirked.

"Of course not! I'm Yuki Okumura! I can do anything if I try hard enough!"

She laughed.

"You truly do remind me of myself. Fight Yuki. I believe in you. Now wake up."

"Thank you."

I hugged her.

"I love you Yuki..."

Then I was snatched from my grandmothers caring arms and was thrust into a world of pain.

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