3; come with me

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jaehyun groaned in frustration as he suddenly saw the person who hurt his mate was right infront of his eyes. he walked towrads the man and grabbed a handful of his hair making the man winced in pain.

"so you think you can get away with hurting taeyong?" his voice calmed but scary.

kang smirked. "what is it with you and that pitiful omega?" jaehyun was beyond mad at this moment so he punched the male in his left cheek.

"be mindful and choose your words wisely." jaehyun didn't let another time waste and decided to just slit his throat.

"dispose this now."


yuta was outside the room waiting for jaehyun to arrive. to his surprise the man just came home. he greeted the alpha.


"he's in good condition now."

"is he awake?"

"yeah. he actually wants to meet you properly."

a smile crept on jaehyun's face. he couldn't believe the younger would like to see him.

"i'll be there in 5 minutes."

"where are you going sir?" yuta asks in confusion.

"i'm gonna change into normal clothes, i don't want him feeling uncomfortable you know." jaehyun winked and proceeded to his room.

yuta got inside taeyong's room and waved at the older. the omega was reading a book, a book about wolves.

"what are you reading that for?"

taeyong hesitated for a bit.

"it's fine if you don't want to take about it." yuta said.

"it's because i want to know more about my family."

yuta sat on the edge of taeyong's bed wanting to listen to the older's story.

"my brother is an alpha, we had the same father but different mothers. his mom is an alpha as well, but my mom was just a cat. when my dad got my mom pregnant with me, he flew away for a year then came back to us saying he had impregnated another woman. but this time a wolf just like him. my mom got so sad that she told my dad to never see them again."

"mom got depressed but soon found light when she gave birth to me, she raised me alone. we were both happy until my younger brother was knocking at our door looking scared. mother took him in and calmed him down. we asked him what happened, he said that father killed his mom due to personal problems. he got so scared that maybe father would hurt him as well. so mom took him in and he lived with us until she died when i was 17."

taeyong felt like crying but he stopped himself. yuta patted his back.

"when mom died, we somehow lived on our own. we were happy. but the day came when our father found us and locked us two in his mansion. he would often hit me and call me names like, filthy calico cat, or a ugly domestic cat. he would always tell me how he regretted loving my mother and giving birth to me. he said that i was just a mistake that he was drunk that night and wanted to just fuck somebody to be sobered up."

"he was a jerk i know. but he changed when he knew he has only 3 months to live. he started giving us love like a normal father should have. mark was no longer afraid of him. the three of us would to out for meals and just be happy together. the time came when it's his time to to. he apologized for all the mean things he did. we forgave him. the three of us were crying, weeping that it's too soon for him to leave us."

"but just as i was to say i love you dad. that was the last time i saw his chest rise up then down. he already had drifted to eternal slumber. dad died leaving us with his company and money, but that didn't last as bad guys like the Blue Moon started taking all father's treasure and telling us we are in debt. they would seldom kidnap my brother and would tell me to do things just to let him go."

"the worst thing that he had done to me is.."

taeyong was now a crying mess. just remembering the things that happened made him wanted to kill himself already, but he can't as he still has his little brother waiting for him.

"he forced himself unto me, he drugged me, tied me up and left at the basement with no clothes, locked me up in my room almost a week, and he almost marked me."

taeyong couldn't help but burst out into tears. he misses his brother. he misses his mom. he misses his dad. although his dad may have been mean to him, he changed and made them feel love. he missed everything. he just wished time would comeback where the of them would be happy again.


jaehyun was outside taeyong's room, listening to the younger's. he was sad and at the same time fuming. he didn't know how much that bastard tortured his mate. he shouldn't have killed him easily but instead let him feel what he did to taeyong.

the alpha gently knocked on the door not wanting for a sudden intrusion that would cause the cat to startle. yuta opened the door for him and jaehyun headed in.

the two met eyes. one with a emerald-like colored eyes, and one with an ocean-blue orbs. the two were just staring at each other, completely lost in each other's sight.

"i shall leave sir. have a good night you two." yuta left.


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