7; stay

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we were inside the car, jaehyun was driving and i was seated beside him. we had accompany as usual. i was so excited to see my brother again. how is he doing? is he eating properly? i hope he has enough sleep. mark has a weak immune system so he gets sick often. im sure ten is taking good care of him. jeez mark oh how i wanted to hug you tight. 

my eyes were roaming, taking a good look at the unfamiliar places we're passing by. still looking around, my eyes somehow landed on the beautiful creature right before my eyes. mr. jung jaehyun, sculpted by the gods, such beautiful physiques, beautiful brown locks, and gorgeous hazel eyes. the sun struck his face so perfectly you cant help but just stare. whoever who his mate is, is really lucky. he is such a gentleman and a softie. i hate to admit it but jaehyung may look tough at the outside but he is an actual softie. i find it cute that he has his own soft spots and that makes my heart melt. 

"tae you might as well take a picture, it might last long. and besides, im melting by the way you stare at me." i was startled and embarrassed as i havent noticed i was looking at him with my body facing towards him for that long. 

"sorry my bad." was all i can say. damn it taeyong why do you have to be so fucking obvious?!

jaehyung let out a small laugh. "hey its fine i was just messing with you." still shy. i decided to cover my face with my hands. great. just great. 

"hey tae we're here." jaehyun stated, i immediately sat straight and was looking around. so this is ten's new place? both jae and i unbuckled the belts and headed out. later at the first car infront of us came out yuta, then at the second car behind us came out johnny. we needed someone to be our bodyguard and the other ones left to guard the front view. 

honestly im still scared by what happened. im scared they might hunt me down when  jae's not around and might surely kill me this time. i cant stick with jae forever, im nothing to him. and besides time will come when jaehyun finds his mate and i needed to get going. i felt an arm wrapped around my waist. 

"stay close. i dont want you hurt." i blushed at his statement. damn you jaehyun, why you making my heart beat go crazy. all i can do was nod. 

we stopped walking as we reached a navy blue coloured gate. yuta pressed the doorbell and it rang. seconds later a familiar figure came out of the house. it was ten! ten was also surprise to see me that the moment he unlocked the gates he ran straight to me and hugged me tightly. 

"you have no idea how worried i was! im glad you're okay!" i was on the verge of crying but i held it in. 

"where's mark?" ten signaled everyone to go in, as he told the others to stay in  the living room he led me upstairs. 

"you're brother's asleep. he was crying the past weeks, constantly missing you and calling out your name in his sleep. he did asked me once regarding about you but i said you'll come visit soon. i cant break the poor guy's heart you know?" ten informed. 

"yeah i know. thanks for taking care of him ten. you're the best." i gave him another hug before i proceeded to my brother's bedroom. 

i gripped the door gently and swung it open. mark was sleeping sound in his bed, with a messy shit and the blanket thrown over the bed. i walked quietly not wanting to alarm my brother, and carefully wrapped the blanket on him. i caressed my brother's face and brushed his hair away from his face. im so happy you're fine. im here. nothing will ever tear us apart again. i'll make sure of that. 

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