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Just then, the doorbell rang. Heads turned towards the door, where two figures could be seen through the curtains. Muffled voices from outside filled the silence in the Burrow.

"Who is it?" Molly called out, walking over to the door once again. She swung it open, and the sight of Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom greeted both wizards and demigods alike.

"It's just us, Mrs Weasley," Neville replied. Then he spotted the demigods. "You guys made up?"

"Something like that," Harry said. He focused on Luna, who had a soft smile on her face. "I didn't know you were coming, Luna. I thought you were mad at us-"

"Neville convince me to come. And I wasn't mad at you all. I could never be," Luna assured. "I only wanted you to sort out your differences, preferably without my help. It seems like you did."

"I guess," Ginny shrugged. "But now we have to save Nico, and-"

"Woah, slow down," Neville chuckled nervously. "Save Nico? You mean Professor di Angelo? Is something wrong?"

"Nico's been kidnaped," Annabeth explained exasperatedly. She knew they had little time to save Nico, and that they needed the wizards' help, but from the pace they were going, she wasn't sure if they could make it on time to save Nico. No one knew when the kidnaper would get sick of the di Angelo boy and kill him. They had to be quick, but that was the opposite of what they were doing as of that moment. They had already spent an hour in the Burrow cajoling the wizards to come to their aid.

"What are you waiting for, then?" Luna questioned. She pulled out her wand. "If any of you know where he is, we can apparate there."

"We're suspecting the Malfoy Manor," Katie told them, as Percy went out of the Burrow to tell the Pegasi to return to Camp Half-Blood.

"Let's pair up," Hermione suggested, taking Annabeth's hand. Ron took Travis', while Ginny took Katie's. When Percy came back, Harry grabbed his arm.

"You're not coming?" Neville asked, directing his question to Molly, Arthur and George.

"We have to wait for the children to get home. The sooner we inform them of this, the better. You can do it on your own," Molly said, though her voice was sharp, like she was daring them to get mortally injured. They figured that if they did, she would make sure they regretted it.

"Good luck," Arthur encouraged, whilst George gave them a nod. With that last image burned into their minds, the wizards apparated, bringing the demigods with them.

Molly let go of a breath she didn't even know she was holding. She eyed the spot where the wizards and demigods had been just a moment ago, concern laced in her voice when she spoke.

"I hope they'll be okay."

Having never apparated before, it was safe to say that apparation, though it had some similarities to shadow travelling, was nothing like the feeling of jumping from shadow to shadow, and the experience left the demigods nauseous.

Promptly after landing, the wizards lost their footing for a second, before regaining their posture, only feeling slightly dizzy. The demigods, however, were a whole different case as they stumbled over to the roadside and vomited.

As the wizards grimaced, Percy wiped his sleeve over his mouth and said, "I'm never apparating again."

"Fair enough," Ron agreed. He walked over to the gate of the Malfoy Manor, eyeing the large 'M' imprinted on the lock. "How are we going to get in?"

Of course, before anyone could answer the redheaded boy, a snarl was emitted somewhere behind them, and all ten teenagers whirled around, wand or weapon in hand.

The five Empousai that came to visit the teenagers bared their fangs, stalking towards them in slow, menacing steps.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Percy Jackson," one of the Empousai sneered.

"Kelli," Percy responded, his voice harsh. Annabeth gripped her sword even tighter, having experienced her own unpleasant encounter with the fake cheerleader. "How is it that no matter how many times I kill you, you're always here? I mean, have you ever heard of personal space?"

"Nonsense," Kelli mused. Her fangs sparkled in the dim sunlight.

Ginny wasted no time. "How do we kill her?"

Kelli pretended to look horrified. "Kill me? Why, how rude!"

"Distract her," Travis advised. "Bind her, use the torturing curse, whatever. If you want, you can use the killing curse as well."

"Do we really need to kill them?" Harry mumbled.

"Yes," Percy insisted. "Or they'll kill us."

"Enough said," Hermione grumbled, glaring at the Empousai. Her will to survive kicked in, and without even thinking, she casted an Unforgivable Curse. "Imperio!"

A trail of green smoke seeped into the nose of the Empousai on Kelli's right, and her eyes tinted green.

"Kill your sisters," Hermione instructed. Instantly, the Empousai attacked the one on Kelli's left.

"No! What are you doing?!" Kelli shrieked. She flung herself towards the group of teenagers recklessly, her arms outstretched and ready to kill. Katie stepped forward, fending the monster with her sword, causing Kelli to jump back.

"We'll kill you," Percy warned. "Leave now."

The foolish Empousai did not heed Percy's words, and advanced on him with the intention of ending his life. Thankfully, Percy was a good fighter, and he dodged the jab she sent his way.

The two remaining Empousai seemed to realise that their three sisters were about to be killed, and advanced towards the wizards. They were in a protective circle around Hermione, who need to concentrate on her Imperius spell.

With Kelli fighting the four demigods, and her losing quite quickly, the other two Empousai attempted to kill Luna and Ginny, the two on the front of the protective circle. Unbeknownst to them, Luna was a demigod as well, and she lashed out on them with her dagger as Ginny unleashed hex after hex their way.

The battle with the Empousai was nothing short of uneventful as it was clear which side would survive. With only five Empousai and ten wizards and demigods, all five Empousai were killed within ten minutes.

The two attacking the wizards were killed rather easily by Luna and Ginny, with a little help from Neville. The same went for Kelli, who was slaughtered by Percy and Katie. Travis and Annabeth were busy trying to figure out how to break into the Malfoy Manor, while the Empousai under Hermione's influence killed her own sister. Once the spell wore off, Harry and Ron launched different spells at the Empousai, and it crumpled to the ground, unmoving.

Unfortunately, their victory could not be celebrated. The teenagers swept the monster dust off their clothes and went to join Travis and Annabeth, their breath barely ragged.

Katie retied her ponytail. "Have you figured it out?"

"Nope," Travis said, shaking his head in dismay. "There's a locking spell on it, I think."

"Let me try," Neville volunteered. He aimed his wand at the lock. "Alohomora!"

To no avail, the gates of the Malfoy Manor failed to open, leaving the teens disappointed.

"How about we split up and try to find a way around the Malfoy Manor?" Luna offered.

"Good idea."

Heads turned towards the man who appeared behind him, and those who recognised the newcomer dropped their weapons in shock.

Annabeth's hands were shaking, her eyes wide with alarm.


SEA GREEN [PERCY JACKSON X HARRY POTTER]Where stories live. Discover now