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Many things were going on in Annabeth's mind as Calypso apologised to her.

The whole time, she wondered if it was a joke, for she didn't expect the Daughter of Atlas to be so sincere in her words. She thought Calypso would only apologise because she felt like she needed to, but soon after she had finished speaking, Annabeth realised that the girl meant every single word and was truly sorry.

Annabeth had wanted to ignore Calypso's apology. She had been preparing herself for what to say and how to deny Calypso her forgiveness, but as time went on and she continued to speak, Annabeth found herself willing to forgive her.

And so, she did.

After the interaction between the two, it seemed the whole room cleared of tension, and Percy visibly relaxed.

"I'm glad you guys got here safe," Percy said, bringing everyone's attention to him.

"We are, too," Annabeth agreed. She glanced at her friends, who were crowded behind her. "We barely got out. Draco let us go."

"Draco?" Percy repeated.

"Yeah," Neville confirmed, stepping forward. "Silena sympathised with him, and I guess he felt like the only way to repay her for what she said was to let us go freely."

Percy hesitated. "If it's a trap-"

"Malfoy wouldn't lie like that." Hermione's eyebrows were knitted together. Her eyes focused on Madam Pomfrey, who was furiously treating Harry's burns. "He would never do something like that. He's bad, but not that cruel. The look in his eyes when he decided to let us leave... that can't be faked."

"She's got a point," Ron chimed in. "I've known him for years now. Never has he done something like that before. The look he had on his face was the very same one he had when V-Voldemort made him join their side after the Battle of Hogwarts."

"We can't know for sure that he had no intentions behind it," Percy insisted. "The guy could just be trying to fool us all."

Travis shook his head. "He couldn't have known that Silena would be on our side, much less move him to the point that he felt obligated to help us."

Percy still looked sceptical, but before he could say anything about it, his eyes widened.

"Where's Tyson?"

"Tyson?" Annabeth cocked her head to the side slightly. "Why would Tyson be here?"

"He was brought to the Manor against his will. Harry and Ginny saved him, but when we left for Hogwarts, I told him to go find you to inform you that it was okay to leave," Percy explained, the words coming out of his mouth so fast that it was a blur to everyone. "I assumed that's why you guys knew to come here, but he's not with you."

Katie frowned. "We came here because we wanted to tell McGonagall about what happened. The sooner she is aware of our situation, the faster she can prepare Hogwarts for another war. We never saw Tyson."

It was those last four words that Katie uttered that almost sent Percy into a frenzy.


Tyson stepped into the Hospital Wing, his clothes burnt and a grin tugging at his lips.

"Brother!" Tyson shouted, scooping Percy up in his arms. Percy melted into his hold, relief washing over him as his brother embraced him.

Tyson was safe.

But how?

"How did you get here, bud?" Percy asked gently. It seemed like everyone leaned forward to hear what Tyson had to say.

"The small boy let me go. He said everyone else left. I told him I needed to be at Hogwarts. He brought me here, but Harry said he is bad." Tyson's eyes trailed over to where he had entered. "Does that mean the bad guy let me join the good guys on purpose?"

"Harry..." Percy murmured, taking in Tyson's words. "Harry mentioned that Malfoy was with them when they found Tyson. If Harry told Tyson about a boy, then the boy is almost definitely Malfoy."

"That means we can trust him, doesn't it?" Luna said. Her tone was light. "If Malfoy's let him go as well, when he could've very well killed Tyson and blame it on his father or some other monster, doesn't it mean he's changed his mind?"

"Maybe," Percy relented. Though he was still uneasy, Draco had saved Tyson, and there was no hiding the fact that Percy was extremely grateful.

Tyson was Percy's brother, and he would do anything for him. If the saviour of his brother was the guy on the bad side, Percy was willing to believe, even if it was for just a moment, that Draco might've switched to good.

After they had all talked and Harry and Ginny's injures were settled, Madam Pomfrey shooed the students- and the ones that were not students as well- to the Headmistress' office, informing them that McGonagall had already been notified of their arrival moments before.

When they reached the door that would open to reveal McGonagall's office, they were surprised to find McGonagall herself waiting for them by the door, especially since it was early into the morning.

She stepped inside, gesturing for them to follow.

"Took you awhile," McGonagall grunted. She closed the door behind Leo, who had been the last to enter the room. "Why on Earth are you lot doing here?"

"Straight to the point. I like her." Leo bowed mockingly. "Morning, Headmistress. It seems another war is at hand, and from what I've learnt from the past two hours, you wizards are involved and we must work together to stop a fallen hero-but-not-so-much-anymore, Luke Castellan. I am Leo Valdez, at your service."

"Ah. Please refrain from speaking in such informal manners before me, Mr Valdez," McGonagall chided, though there was a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. She looked at Leo seriously. "My first assignment for you is to make us all tea."

"Wha- no!"

McGonagall smiled thinly. She snapped her fingers, and they all watched as a house elf appeared right next to her desk.

"One cup of tea for each of us, please," McGonagall requested kindly. The house elf nodded and left, before reappearing with a friend, the both of them juggling a tray of teacups on each of their hands, tea spilling out of the teapot. Hermione looked sour as the house elves struggled to place the trays on the desk, and apparated away quickly after they were done.

McGonagall eyed the large group before her, noting that many were not students of her school and one was even a monster that she had killed many times before.

She exhaled slowly, forcing her attention on the more serious matter at hand instead of the weird friend group her students had managed to achieve.

"Introduce yourselves. I am Professor McGonagall, Headmistress of Hogwarts. I welcome you all, though the situation we are in is dire. Now, tell me about this Luke boy."

A/N: hello! last week, I published a new book called paint and protests! I love it very much and hope you would like to read it! I venture away from the usual topics of magic and demigod suffering in this book, and, since it is a mortal au, this book discusses things like ocean dumping, deforestation and toxic relationships! writing this was really refreshing, and I hope you guys will feel the same way should you decide to read it. thanks!

also, yes, I will still be posting once a week, though now I will choose between sea green, paint and protests and electricity on which to post. electricity would not be chosen often, though. I kinda have no ideas for it lmao, but paint and protests has a special place in my heart so I will definitely take away some chapters from sea green to post it!

SEA GREEN [PERCY JACKSON X HARRY POTTER]Where stories live. Discover now